View Full Version : Kids will be the death of me

11-05-2020, 06:47 PM
so im about 30 to 40 min from home htis aft. my phine goes beep beep. its a voice text from my yougest goes something like this.

"incoherent screaming, STUCK. incohearent screaming, please come home now"

followed shortly by another one that was

"crying, daddy please come home please come home please come home"

neither one with answer there texts. they only have i pods and for some reason my phone decided to not let me face time them.

called the wife she was also on the way home and closer.
next was irrationally high speeds. which almost went bad when the paved road i was on turned to gravel with no warning.

i can now tell you how fast a cooper S will go as well as justify why they made great rally cars.

and for what?

was someone dyeing? was someone stuck under or in something?


what was so urgent that warranted sobbing voice messages the likes that made me believe some horrible fate had befallen my 2 kids????

they got their new drone STUCK IN A TREE!!!!!!!!!

11-05-2020, 06:55 PM

11-05-2020, 07:57 PM
It only gets better...:sarcasm:

11-05-2020, 08:27 PM

11-05-2020, 08:37 PM
I'm guessing some words of wisdom were spoken to your kids this evening. :)

11-05-2020, 08:47 PM
next was irrationally high speeds. which almost went bad when the paved road i was on turned to gravel with no warning.

I can speak from experience about having that happen... It's worse when you're trying to keep ahead of a storm.

11-05-2020, 09:40 PM
I'm guessing some words of wisdom were spoken to your kids this evening. :)

we had a calm sit down to discuss what is and isnt an emergency. as well as the importance being clear with messages and following up when you ask people for help.

i did feel bad, because i didn't realize they were in the next room when i got home and told the wife i almost wiped the car out rushing home. they both came out crying talking about how it was their fault i almost crashed.

that will break you heart real quick. we rescued the drone and talked about how it wasn't the end of the world that it was in a tree. we have lots of trees, its gonna happen again.

11-06-2020, 09:42 AM
How old are they? My youngest is 34 and let me tell you: from when they were crying hungry poopy infants to now: it doesn't get any better.

11-06-2020, 10:57 AM
LMAO, Steve!!!!

11-06-2020, 02:26 PM
I'm never having kids.

11-06-2020, 04:02 PM
How old are they? My youngest is 34 and let me tell you: from when they were crying hungry poopy infants to now: it doesn't get any better.

8 and 11.

11-06-2020, 04:27 PM
Lol. Been there before also. My boys are 11 and 13. They are best and most stressful things in my life. My brother doesn’t want to have kids. He doesn’t handle stress very well so that’s a good idea.

11-06-2020, 05:00 PM

Mines 18 months and I think I have some grey hairs coming in... kid would climb the walls if he could.

83 5.0
11-06-2020, 09:51 PM
LOL, I am on the road 2-3 weeks a month, get these all the time from my daughter, and wife!
always get the "we got a problem" messages, dishwasher broke(can you do them by hand >>>Crickets on the end of the phone) 1 burner on the gas stove won't spark (just turn on the other burner then they all spark), Check engine lights, low tire sensors, theres a rattle when I start my car (heat shield on exhaust), hot water heater doesn't seem hot enough, Internet is down, I have heard them all in 30 years. FML Lol

Mellow Yellow
11-07-2020, 12:24 AM
“Enjoy” it while you can.

Mine are 41, 39, 35 and 31. They all have their own lives. Only one lives close by. One lives in Texas (covid shit).
Don’t get to see them often, not always available for phone calls.

The stories while they were growing up would fill an encyclopedia, but are precious.

11-07-2020, 12:20 PM
As it happens, my grandchildren are 8 and 11. They are incredibly precious to me. I desperately wish I had a few more, but my other two sons don't seem to have the inclination to propagate. Ever since the oldest, Bina, was born, i have burned the midnight oil to try and invent a way to bypass having children altogether and go straight to grandchildren (which, in stark contrast, are the joy of my life).
Alas, so far I haven't quite worked that one out.

True Blue
11-07-2020, 01:51 PM

Mines 18 months and I think I have some grey hairs coming in... kid would climb the walls if he could.

Just wait for the terrible 2's and the fuck you 3's!

My girls are 8 and 5, my father in-law always likes to remind me... Small kids, small problems. Big kids, big problems. I'm like thanks for the constant reminder.

11-07-2020, 08:59 PM
Just wait for the terrible 2's and the fuck you 3's!

My girls are 8 and 5, my father in-law always likes to remind me... Small kids, small problems. Big kids, big problems. I'm like thanks for the constant reminder.

Dunno man. Small kids can get into some BIG shit if your not careful lol