View Full Version : Vaccination, who's received it and which one?

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07-09-2021, 11:26 PM
Did you have AZ as first dose? Thought they were doing Moderna for adult second doses now unless you had AZ first?

First dose was Pfizer. Got both doses at Joseph Brant Hospital vaccination clinic. April 22 then July 8

07-11-2021, 10:39 AM
Shot 2 put me on my ass. Was down for the count yesterday. Worse than shot 1.
Glad that’s over.

07-11-2021, 10:54 AM
My wife and I had no side effects from our 2nd shots. Just a sore shoulder.

07-11-2021, 04:28 PM
Had my 2nd shot today at 11:20….. all of a sudden I want to sleep.

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07-12-2021, 08:51 AM
Omg…. Really bad reaction to the shot. I do not wish this on anyone!!

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07-12-2021, 09:57 AM
Be Well Mavrrick ~

07-12-2021, 10:27 AM
Second shot yesterday afternoon. Arm is a little sore but otherwise I feel fine. I was prepared to feel somewhat crappy today so that's a nice bonus.

07-12-2021, 10:39 AM
Omg…. Really bad reaction to the shot. I do not wish this on anyone!!

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Is it the Moderna "hangover" associated with second dose? Assume Moderna was your second?

07-12-2021, 05:55 PM
Was browsing Vaccine Hunters twitter feed this morning and saw there were open appointments at a Pfizer Clinic at Leslie/401 (North York General) today and tomorrow so registered and got my second dose today. Pretty easy registration and vaccine process and was out the door in about 30 minutes including the 15 minute cool down time.



07-12-2021, 06:01 PM
Was browsing Vaccine Hunters twitter feed this morning and saw there were open appointments at a Pfizer Clinic at Leslie/401 (North York General) today and tomorrow so registered and got my second dose today. Pretty easy registration and vaccine process and was out the door in about 30 minutes including the 15 minute cool down time.



I thought you working today https://media3.giphy.com/media/B9KKBuOIp4zqI7Cll0/giphy.gif

07-12-2021, 06:16 PM
LOL! It was a light meeting day......

07-12-2021, 08:48 PM
Is it the Moderna "hangover" associated with second dose? Assume Moderna was your second?

Yup, was Moderna. Just starting to feel better.

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Old Fart
07-29-2021, 11:56 AM
Got my second Pfizer yesterday. Mildly sore arm and a little tired but all's good.

83 5.0
07-29-2021, 06:19 PM
Got my second Pfizer yesterday. Mildly sore arm and a little tired but all's good.
Same here, no major side affects. 2nd one last Sunday

07-29-2021, 09:26 PM
Got my second Pfizer last Wednesday.

First one never felt a thing. Second one was rough. Whole body ached, chills. Tired as shit.

And no option but to work threw it. First call that day the chick wouldn’t get off the couch said she got her second shot and felt terrible. I was like yep.

07-30-2021, 07:47 AM
maybe it wasn't Pfizer...

98 Snake
07-30-2021, 08:58 AM
2nd Pfizer yesterday, feeling good so far

08-09-2021, 03:11 PM
I haven't read or heard any news thru any social or media for at least 5 months - today I decided to see how the covid was going here since truck drivers at work have been telling me its getting crazy in Florida again - CP24 today says 19.9 million doses administered in Ontario - positivity rate is 2.3 a jump of 1 percent since June - I'm finding mixed numbers on total cases in Ontario ranging from between 3,000 and 3400 total cases - it looks to me that nothing has changed since I have blocked all my news feeds other than 82 percent have received vaccines - are the vaccines working....? The border is set to open! I managed to do this without hearing trudo douggie or tory....lol top three reasons I blocked my feeds.

08-09-2021, 05:07 PM
So is there a 3rd shot coming this fall?
btw 2 shots of Pfizer with no side effects at all.
Friends with a 2nd shot of Moderna seem to have flu like symptoms.
When this is all over I'd like to see a study on the side effects of all vaccines.
Seems like Pfizer has less but that's just an observation of family and friends.
Not a great catalyst.

08-09-2021, 06:16 PM
1st shot Pfizer, 2nd shot Moderna- 2nd shot sick as a dog!!! 3rd shot… [emoji2357]

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08-09-2021, 07:34 PM
Like the all encompassing “flu” there will be a booster shot every year. It will probably end up being administered with the standard flu shot.

The vaccines work. Like regular vaccines for other respiratory illness they are not 100% but the Pfizer and Moderna are better than Drs could have ever hoped. They all but eliminate serious illness and have all but eliminated death from covid.

Get it or don’t, I still stand by that being a freedom of choice. I have been vaccinated I’m not afraid of catching it if you haven’t been. I am afraid of record deaths and bankruptcy’s that will continue if the media and fear mongers in the government continue to use it to gain more power and control.

Also for anyone paying attention. I was right. Despite lock downs Australia is getting hit again. Turns out it’s seasonal

Time to drop the masks and get back to normal life

08-09-2021, 10:51 PM
I have not been vaccinated and don’t plan on being vaccinated at this point in time - I am however taking my mom and my brother on Sunday for their second shot, because they choose too and need my help - my closest family members encourage me to to get it but for many of my own personal reasons I will not, just as I have never had a flu shot - I’m not against vaccines, there’s just too many questions I have around this - one of my sons will not get it either, it is not mutual I had no idea until descent but it may have been influenced by me, but I’m not worried cause he’s in better shape than I have ever been in (little fucker…lol hahaha) - I’m not worried about bankruptcy I really feel COVID has nothing to do with that but I do believe government (in Canada ) anyway wants to do away with businesses like mine - you can never get comfortable being self employed - death, could be a mistake making stronger humans… COVID 19 will be a topic for many years to come I believe - I’ve been to four outdoor social events since July with easily more than 1000 people - nobody wore masks for all of the four day events it’s a new era and people have to realize the government isn’t here for you - need to make your own choices… we’d to stand ground - they have an agenda and in my 60 years of existence (almost) the agenda is like being self employed don’t get comfortable and take care of yourself and help your neighbours and family…the world is becoming one…

08-09-2021, 10:59 PM
I wasn’t going to get the shots till I spoke to a coworker… his neighbor got covid and recovered, however, now he gets out of breath putting the garbage out. I couldn’t live like that, my back is a mess already and that would probably put me over the edge. Dealing with back is enough for me, that’s why I rolled up my sleeve.

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08-09-2021, 11:07 PM
I don't do the flu vaccine but I have neighbours and co-workers who've had this and now have lung/breathing issues (icluding formerly healthy tennis players) - I have enough allergy issues that I don't want to risk a chronic respiratory problem for the next 20-30 years if I got this thing. I also have elderly parents I don't want to put at risk by being around them - said neighbours and co-workers have each lost a parent to COVID this year after they likely got it from family members. If you're driving others to get their shot - isn't that high risk for them?

08-09-2021, 11:25 PM
[QUOTE=hammerhead;395092]I’m not worried about bankruptcy I really feel COVID has nothing to do with that /QUOTE]

just want to clarify are you talking on a personal level or a generalization that covid (or the draconian rules dropped down from the governments) have not caused bankruptcy's? I for one know more people who have lost everything they have worked for due to lock downs than i know of people who actual had covid. ( anecdotal sure)

08-09-2021, 11:26 PM
I don't do the flu vaccine but I have neighbours and co-workers who've had this and now have lung/breathing issues (icluding formerly healthy tennis players) - I have enough allergy issues that I don't want to risk a chronic respiratory problem for the next 20-30 years if I got this thing. I also have elderly parents I don't want to put at risk by being around them - said neighbours and co-workers have each lost a parent to COVID this year after they likely got it from family members. If you're driving others to get their shot - isn't that high risk for them?

Not sure if this is directed to me (driving others to get their shot) - as stated I have had pneumonia and I think there is no comparison and I was told I had a mild case - I can fully understand how pneumonia kills - I personally don’t want to get COVID and really don’t think anyone has my life in their best interest - my mom and my brother never leave the house without me or family member (usually the high commander) the have a better chance of not getting COVID than I have - I am extremely careful so they are at no risk - I have a wife and six kids al have been vaccinated except two - isn’t that heard amuninty as stated by CP24 with 82 percent dosage and one dose being effective to curve the rate of spreading…? Edit - are t those figures heard amunity?

08-10-2021, 08:51 AM
[QUOTE=hammerhead;395092]I’m not worried about bankruptcy I really feel COVID has nothing to do with that /QUOTE]

just want to clarify are you talking on a personal level or a generalization that covid (or the draconian rules dropped down from the governments) have not caused bankruptcy's? I for one know more people who have lost everything they have worked for due to lock downs than i know of people who actual had covid. ( anecdotal sure)

really both - if a company closes and a person loses a job due to that closure they could both go bankrupt - I've been lucky I'm in a business that so far never sleeps - some business's have a better chance than others but ultimately a person decides on the business they choose - we are subject mainly to the service sector in this country (I believe) and I think a recipe for disaster (my opinion) - Covid, I think, was the tipping point for a lot of business's that have been or maybe have been struggling - we don't know really if these business's would have survived eg. how many VAP stores do we need within a kilometer or Tim's for that matter and restaurant's - to me it appears covid is changing the shape of business and how some operate - a business like mine (one person) has benefit's but really doesn't do anything for the economy in a sense of providing employment - being a one person business leaves me vulnerable - I have my speculations about covid and the green movement and with the right government I think both will give our leaders much more power over the people in the future - we are on the same page - I think - we also don't know how many more people would have died if they had no lock downs - I have never met anyone who has had covid - with the green movement - covid - and what appears to how manufacturing may change now and in the future everything is going to get very expensive (I believe) so worrying about bankruptcy for me is not an option - not saying it wont happen continue to just look for ways to adjust and survive....what else can anyone do?

08-10-2021, 10:16 AM
Covid, I think, was the tipping point for a lot of business's that have been or maybe have been struggling - we don't know really if these business's would have survived eg.

I’m sorry but this statement baffles and angers me.

It’s a perfect example of why we have the federal government we do. And why we have so much government over reach. People only care about what effects then directly.

Government raises taxes and triple taxes business profits, business close and the people say. Well that business probably wasn’t doing well anyway.

Government forces higher minimum wage driving up cost, business close and the people say. Well that business probably wasn’t doing well anyway.

The government says. It’s illegal for you to run your business. And we aren’t going to give you any money for support. Unless you close the doors completely. But don’t worry we will let your competition stay open becasie they are a multimillion dollar multinational corporation.
Business close and the people say. Well that business probably wasn’t doing well anyway.

What is a business doing well? For a small business it’s not millions in the bank. Its food on the table and clothes for the kids.

Those same people that justify the government Overreach that shuts down small business are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who bitch that Walmart only pays minimum wage

And then ignore the small business and continue to order online and make Bezoz richer.

Sorry again but this kind of think will be the downfall of society as we know it.

Covid has proven that.

08-10-2021, 11:03 AM
I’m sorry but this statement baffles and angers me.

It’s a perfect example of why we have the federal government we do. And why we have so much government over reach. People only care about what effects then directly.

Government raises taxes and triple taxes business profits, business close and the people say. Well that business probably wasn’t doing well anyway.

Government forces higher minimum wage driving up cost, business close and the people say. Well that business probably wasn’t doing well anyway.

The government says. It’s illegal for you to run your business. And we aren’t going to give you any money for support. Unless you close the doors completely. But don’t worry we will let your competition stay open becasie they are a multimillion dollar multinational corporation.
Business close and the people say. Well that business probably wasn’t doing well anyway.

What is a business doing well? For a small business it’s not millions in the bank. Its food on the table and clothes for the kids.

Those same people that justify the government Overreach that shuts down small business are the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who bitch that Walmart only pays minimum wage

And then ignore the small business and continue to order online and make Bezoz richer.

Sorry again but this kind of think will be the downfall of society as we know it.

Covid has proven that.

I choose to work alone because of government - I think your misunderstanding me as I won't elaborate on my thoughts only because it will be my speculation and most would write it off as conspiracy theories or just plain dumb haha - I've been watching this type of behavior going on for some time now in the trucking industry and it appears to me they want trucks off the road and are trying to get the small companies out in order to reduce the amount of companies to a few large ones - purely my speculation - I think this could be true for cars - I think the government would rather a person like myself work for a large company who could easily fill my void if something where to happen to me - I'm in a situation where I can't really lose and chose to work alone as opposed to grow my business... this does nothing for the gov but gives me some benefit money they would surely love to have in their pockets - I'm not getting rich this way and came to the realization I will likely not get rich growing my business - sorry if I angered you but I think you are my misunderstanding my thinking - I try not to rule out any angles with an open mind - some restaurants flourished and may have done better while others folded up it's hard I think for anyone to know the truth - I have had many friends with franchises that said they work their ass off and make no money others would say the opposite - just forge ahead there's not much anyone can do but getting obsessed and angered with it all is not good and I choose not to do that - anyone see where I put my Geritol...

08-10-2021, 12:03 PM
I choose to work alone because of government - I think your misunderstanding me as I won't elaborate on my thoughts only because it will be my speculation and most would write it off as conspiracy theories or just plain dumb haha - I've been watching this type of behavior going on for some time now in the trucking industry and it appears to me they want trucks off the road and are trying to get the small companies out in order to reduce the amount of companies to a few large ones - purely my speculation - I think this could be true for cars - I think the government would rather a person like myself work for a large company who could easily fill my void if something where to happen to me - I'm in a situation where I can't really lose and chose to work alone as opposed to grow my business... this does nothing for the gov but gives me some benefit money they would surely love to have in their pockets - I'm not getting rich this way and came to the realization I will likely not get rich growing my business - sorry if I angered you but I think you are my misunderstanding my thinking - I try not to rule out any angles with an open mind - some restaurants flourished and may have done better while others folded up it's hard I think for anyone to know the truth - I have had many friends with franchises that said they work their ass off and make no money others would say the opposite - just forge ahead there's not much anyone can do but getting obsessed and angered with it all is not good and I choose not to do that - anyone see where I put my Geritol...

That all makes sense. I just think we need more people willing to stand up and fight back.

I get your position on not growing the business. We have had another expansion opportunity fall into out lap but I’m Not sure we are going to put the money out for it. Directly because we don’t know what the government is going to do moving forward with covid.

That’s a bad place for society to be in when business are not growing directly because of government over reach.

When they prove that they are willing to shut you down for questionable reasons. We are past conspiracies and into reality.

I just hope the don’t come for you too.

08-10-2021, 12:40 PM
That all makes sense. I just think we need more people willing to stand up and fight back.

I get your position on not growing the business. We have had another expansion opportunity fall into out lap but I’m Not sure we are going to put the money out for it. Directly because we don’t know what the government is going to do moving forward with covid.

That’s a bad place for society to be in when business are not growing directly because of government over reach.

When they prove that they are willing to shut you down for questionable reasons. We are past conspiracies and into reality.

I just hope the don’t come for you too.

they could of imposed marshal law - when I boil it down to what many have said "our freedoms are slowly being taken away" and look at what colonization did to get to where it is today and couple that with the said phrase - taking our freedoms away leads to only one thing and when I look at the similarities with everything around us going on from covid to climate change, G7 summits, and other small and large movements as well as big business and tech giants and how people are lead to believing this is the correct path by the gov and swayed with media to support that gov - the future looks grim to many and maybe it will get better but helpless because we can see the sheep and are the sheep only the sheep of more resistance - I just block it out and close the feeds, don't watch tv or turn my radio on...lol I got a big rock! Not much anyone can do but keep your head and elbows up in the corners and come out with the puck....lol so much is going on it can carry a person away or many!