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View Full Version : Followup to "let the renos begin"

04-08-2021, 03:23 PM
LAst month I posted about starting some major renos at my home. Unfortunately, about the 4th day, I literally fell through the floor and fractured my hip. Specifically my femur.
My wife called 911 and I was taken by ambulance to Southlake Hospital and given a semiprivate room.
I could go into a lot of detail about pain, boredom, being unable to move, aches from being 24 hours a day in bed, frustration, having to have a nurse wipe my behind, and anxiety.
But I won't. Instead, I'll say that, 4 weeks post op I am recovering. Every day gets just a bit better. When I came home climbing the 5 steps up to my front door was sheer agony. Yesterday, I did it al by myself(with my sons watching over in case I stumbled.)
A couple of days ago I started dressing myself, although I cannot put my right sock on (It's my right leg that was broken).
I can now go to the bathroom all by myself. I can actually move my leg a little without using my hand to move it. Today for the first time I was able to stand without using the walker.
Little victories. Every day, a tiny bit stronger.
I had xrays yesterday and saw the surgeon. HE looked at the incision(it took 50! staples) and said it was healing well. HE also said the break was healing properly, and that I was progressing very well.
I had the physio in today and she said that compared to the large majority of people with my type of injury, I was doing exceptionally well. Considering I'm 70 and diabetic, that's encouraging.

Having said all that, it's going to be another month before I can drive, a further 4-6 weeks after that before I'm about 70-80% normal, and pretty close to a year before I'm 100%. Unfortunately, my Jaguar isn't the absolute easiest car to get into or out of even when I was healthy, so I might have to face the idea of replacing it right after I take it out of storage.
The doctor and the physio both say, however, that as long as I'm careful and do my exercises, I WILL get there, so I'm heartened.
I'm not looking for sympathy. All things considered I'm doing well. I just wanted you guys to know what happened.

04-08-2021, 03:44 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident.
Glad to you are progressing well and healing. Take care.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-08-2021, 03:44 PM
Congrats on Speedy Recovery, all it take is a little at a time, & OH, when you have surgery you leave your dignity at the door ~ no one is immune to the embarrassment but they have seen it all before, good luck and keep up the steady recovery ! G & G

04-08-2021, 04:27 PM
Good luck with your recovery. I broke my right femur when I was a kid, so I can relate. I spent three months in hospital, in traction. One little step at a time.

04-09-2021, 12:40 AM
I hope your recovery goes well with no long term effects.

04-09-2021, 07:06 AM
Best wishes on a speedy recovery.

04-09-2021, 07:17 AM
That sucks big time. Heal up

04-09-2021, 08:31 AM
Wishing you a speedy recovery.