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View Full Version : Stunt Driving Charges going UP !

06-18-2021, 06:10 PM
Best slow down boys & girls, getting caught is going to HURT allot !

https://www.ottawasun.com/news/penalties-are-about-to-get-tougher-for-drivers-caught-stunt-driving/wcm/9f1057b0-c7f6-41d9-be34-cb7955f13591?fbclid=IwAR3JPc-xp0iHOiAjnX6RRiIuIQtdixahTqomsjbuE5YVyeCxiYTNPj2Tz 1E

06-20-2021, 09:51 PM
Fuck Doug Ford.

Black Sheep
06-21-2021, 04:42 PM
Guess I need to buy a different mustang….come catch me now OPP.

06-22-2021, 06:53 AM
80 kph Max....?
Could you imagine if EVERYONE started drive 79 kph on the open roads...i would be falling asleep...seriously
But I live in the boonies and alot times no vehicles in front, behind or anywhere in sight...

06-22-2021, 08:23 AM
This Nanny State bullshit is getting old.
Chicken shit radar traps down hills and transition zones do nothing but generate money, how about some real on road enforcement like curbing the habitual 3 lanes to the right then 5 lanes to the left that we all see each and every day. West 401 Between Markham Rd and Kennedy is a fawking war zone of every ridiculous driving habit under the sun. Be nice if someone explained to the masses, the core lanes go to the exact same places as the collectors but no car after car after car fighting for one or the other many times crossing the bullnose with only inches to spare cutting off others with zero regard doing the full on send in routine. It's rare to come through there were no matter the traffic, asshats regularly bring traffic into the 60kph range or less. Don't get me started on all this electronic bullshit being added on to keep us all safer, the norm to see a mirror lit up showing driving IT'S NOT SAFE TO LANE CHANGE only to have them turn into you anyways. There should be an aptitude / reaction times added to the drives test, lets face it, would appear many out there don't have enough basic common sense / smarts to actually operated a motor vehicle safely.

06-23-2021, 10:11 PM
Driving sucks these days.
The older I get the more I don't like/enjoy it.

Too many assholes on the roads.

06-24-2021, 08:35 AM
Driving sucks these days.
The older I get the more I don't like/enjoy it.

Too many assholes on the roads.

I hear you. I'm not 100% certain if I'm going to renew my license when it comes due.