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06-21-2021, 09:58 AM
Can we talk about how absolutely insane this 3 step plan is.
First off I voted for Doug. I really did think he was the guy for the job but honestly he's turned into a buffoon.
He is so afraid of a 4th wave he's sacrificing small businesses like he does french fries.
I get the virus is real. Have had a couple friends get hit hard by it and even lost a family friend to it but,
yesterday there was 318 cases in Ontario.
There are 15 million people in Ontario.
For the non math peeps that's 0.00212% of the population who contracted the virus yesterday.
But here we are still in stage 1 about to move into stage 2 which isn't much different then stage one.
75% of Ontarian's have had one shot and 22% are fully vaccinated.
The province was doing 200,000 plus shots a day last week.
Around here I don't see anyone following these arbitrary rules anymore.
Honestly enough is enough.
Lets safely get back to normal.

https://i.ibb.co/zG66ZB5/20201110-dougfordmcdonalds.webp (https://ibb.co/GcHHR8J)

06-21-2021, 10:23 AM
Meanwhile in Alberta.....all restrictions to be lifted by Canada Day according to their Premier.

06-21-2021, 12:51 PM
I read yesterday that Saskatchewan will be following suit on the 11th of July. Both ending all mandates including masks and distance requirements.

WonÂ’t happen any time soon here in Ontario. I also voted for Ford and initially was of the opinion that he was our best shot. Unfortunately instead he bowed down to the left run media, unions and other establishments. He will never be re-elected now.

However anyone who thinks any other party would have handled better is not paying any attention politically and are partisan blind.

06-21-2021, 01:08 PM
I too fell into the trap of voting for Duhgie Ford, mainly in hopes he'd be a more common sense alternative to Wynne and Horwath. Yet, he's doubled down on the anti-car hobby rhetoric of the Liberals not to mention his abject bundling of the pandemic.

It seems all he's cared about is kissing the ass of developers (MZOs), making booze easier and cheaper to get, and bankrupting small businesses while Big Box stores have had nearly free reign.

And let's not forget, stopping a press conference to talk about his fucking breakfast. What a fucking joke.

06-21-2021, 03:02 PM
Doug Ford did not campaign to handle a world wide virus, give the guy a break. If it was one of you guys running this Province you might be singing a different tune.

The health of the people in Ontario is in Doug Ford's hands, he doesn't want to take chances on people's lives. No matter what he decides somebody is going to start a thread about how the leader let them down.

I'm sure the NDP or the Liberals would of done better knowing how much they care for the people, NOT!

This will all be over soon and businesses will all be busy making more money than they ever expected.

06-21-2021, 03:33 PM
Doug Ford did not campaign to handle a world wide virus, give the guy a break. If it was one of you guys running this Province you might be singing a different tune.

The health of the people in Ontario is in Doug Ford's hands, he doesn't want to take chances on people's lives. No matter what he decides somebody is going to start a thread about how the leader let them down.

I'm sure the NDP or the Liberals would of done better knowing how much they care for the people, NOT!

This will all be over soon and businesses will all be busy making more money than they ever expected.

I was more than happy to give him a break until he started ignoring the science in order to appease the liberal mafia.

And no, sorry not all business will be making more money then they ever expected. Thousands will never make another dime. directly because of the governments decisions.
There is no excuse and no justification for that.

06-21-2021, 03:40 PM
Doug Ford did not campaign to handle a world wide virus, give the guy a break. If it was one of you guys running this Province you might be singing a different tune.

The health of the people in Ontario is in Doug Ford's hands, he doesn't want to take chances on people's lives. No matter what he decides somebody is going to start a thread about how the leader let them down.

I'm sure the NDP or the Liberals would of done better knowing how much they care for the people, NOT!

This will all be over soon and businesses will all be busy making more money than they ever expected.

Why do people always think it's about the political party? I can rant about Trudeau just as easy but his decisions aren't necessarily effecting the way of life for most Ontarians.
I have no problem with they way Doug handled the Virus last year. But this year he's the laughing stock of North America.
Just 2 weeks ago we were the only territory in NA in lock down. Let that sink in for a second.
Todays count 270 cases.
Yet we still cant see a movie, eat in a restaurant or even have people over to your house.
It's a joke.
He's going to be a one term Premier by the way he handled this part of the pandemic.
His doing.
And you think business will be booming? Big business will for sure but
I think you will have sticker shock when this is over and you see how many businesses we will lose or have already lost.

06-21-2021, 04:59 PM
I agree that he's been overcautious with easing restrictions. But tell me: would you rather have had Katie Wynn handling it? Or the idiots in the NDP? does anyone honestly think they would have handles it better?
There were no rules with this pandemic. No such thing in school as Pandemic 101. I don't think ford was right in every action, but there's no one to say what else he could have done. If he'd not shut us down in April, we'd be screaming at him for all the unnecessary deaths, so he was kind of screwed either way.
I can say this. With the next election, I can't see myself voting NDP, Liberal or green, so that only leaves Doug.

06-21-2021, 05:38 PM
I agree that he's been overcautious with easing restrictions. But tell me: would you rather have had Katie Wynn handling it? Or the idiots in the NDP? does anyone honestly think they would have handles it better?
There were no rules with this pandemic. No such thing in school as Pandemic 101. I don't think ford was right in every action, but there's no one to say what else he could have done. If he'd not shut us down in April, we'd be screaming at him for all the unnecessary deaths, so he was kind of screwed either way.
I can say this. With the next election, I can't see myself voting NDP, Liberal or green, so that only leaves Doug.

The problem is by April there was information on what way was best. Information gathered from a round the world that showed that total lockdowns caused more harm then good.

The federal government deserves even more flack for their lack of action in not actually stopping people from coming in.

Your Right Ford was delt a shit hand. But he should have followed the science not the screaming nanny’s who can’t think for themselves.

06-21-2021, 07:30 PM
The problem is by April there was information on what way was best. Information gathered from a round the world that showed that total lockdowns caused more harm then good.

The federal government deserves even more flack for their lack of action in not actually stopping people from coming in.

Your Right Ford was delt a shit hand. But he should have followed the science not the screaming nanny’s who can’t think for themselves.

The problem with the science is that it's not 100 % decisive. It's not like 1 and 1 is always 2. It could go many ways. There were and are lots of opinions, studies, research, educated guesstimates, whatever, that could go either way. I'll agree that letting the big box stores stay open while forcing small operators to close was stupid. I'll also be the first to say that the economic damage to so many people was and is devastating. I can't imagine how I would have survived if I had been shut down till now.

The worst is the federals. If they'd shut down international travel completely, and much sooner the third wave might have been avoided. If they hadn't given away the PPE just before the pandemic. If they'd gotten their act together early about the vaccines. If If If. I've never voted for a Trudeau and I sure as hell never will.

06-21-2021, 09:02 PM
Don’t disagree with you on the last part. Lol

I think as more info comes out it seems that the science is a lot more clear than the media and certain politicians are letting on.

I think people will be shocked and upset in a few years when they realize how much those in charge knew and when.

06-21-2021, 09:06 PM
All I took from the conversation is Liberals are bad.

Dougie Ford was forced by liberals

Dougie ford = good

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-21-2021, 09:11 PM
The worst is the federals. If they'd shut down international travel completely, and much sooner the third wave might have been avoided. If they hadn't given away the PPE just before the pandemic. If they'd gotten their act together early about the vaccines. If If If. I've never voted for a Trudeau and I sure as hell never will.

If they would've shut down international travel from day one, the second wave would've been avoided.

06-21-2021, 10:49 PM
If they would've shut down international travel from day one, the second wave would've been avoided.
The virus was already here. Shutting down the border would have done little to affect the first wave, let alone the second. Keep on Monday Quarterbacking.

06-22-2021, 07:25 AM
worked in Australia, new Zealand, and a few other places. quite possible it could have worked here too.

06-22-2021, 07:32 AM
To me, balled was dropped in Ottawa for reasons above.

06-22-2021, 08:15 AM
I agree if we had a more mature Primate with balls in Ottawa, things would have gone a lot better.
At all meetings with other heads of government, he is more interested in crossing his legs to show his nice pattern on his socks, really!!
Check it out next time he is with another head of state.

06-22-2021, 08:15 AM
To say he's an idiot would be an insult to idiots.

06-22-2021, 10:01 AM
I read last night that the majority of new cases in Ontario are the Delta variant. This mutation started in India, and now it's here. Hmmm. wonder how. Maybe it was the 148 flights from Asia that landed in Toronto in April and all the undocumented Covid Carriers on them. Maybe it was the people who went home and "quarantined" in their house while their co-inhabitants like kids and spouses and in-laws went out into the world. This is 100% on Trudeau for not acting much sooner.
The worst of it is that when we have the next election, as an absolute and unequivocal failure, he is still likley to win.

06-22-2021, 12:10 PM
The problem with the science is that it's not 100 % decisive. It's not like 1 and 1 is always 2. It could go many ways. There were and are lots of opinions, studies, research, educated guesstimates, whatever, that could go either way. I'll agree that letting the big box stores stay open while forcing small operators to close was stupid. I'll also be the first to say that the economic damage to so many people was and is devastating. I can't imagine how I would have survived if I had been shut down till now.

The worst is the federals. If they'd shut down international travel completely, and much sooner the third wave might have been avoided. If they hadn't given away the PPE just before the pandemic. If they'd gotten their act together early about the vaccines. If If If. I've never voted for a Trudeau and I sure as hell never will.

Doug doesn't follow the science. The one thing about science is it's forever changing.
Scientific theory doesn't not equate to scientific law. And even so both have the ability to change with enough evidence. Which has been published by many countries.
As I've stated I have no issue with how this was handled last year and even for the first 1/4 of this year but seriously how many businesses do we have to lose before we open up back?
There is been cautious and being a helicopter premier. I think we know which he has become.

btw 216 new cases today.

And yes we could easily start a federal rant thread about the way this was handled but none of the decisions he's making now effects how you and I live today.
Doug's decisions do.
33% approval rating. Election next year. Good Luck Doug.

06-22-2021, 08:32 PM
Here's his chance. Lets see how this plays out.

Ontario has met the vaccination thresholds required to enter the third and final step of the economic reopening weeks ahead of schedule.

The provincial government’s "roadmap to reopen" highlighted vaccination rates as the key benchmark to open additional portions of the economy, in conjunction with declining hospitalizations, ICU occupancy and positivity rates – targets that been exceeded in recent days.

In order to initiate Step 3, the province would need 70 to 80 per cent of the adult population vaccinated with a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and a quarter of the adult population would require two doses.

Currently, 76 per cent of Ontarians aged 18 and above have received their primary dose, while 25 per cent of the adult population has been fully vaccinated.

The province, however, is still in the first step of the reopening plan and top cabinet ministers are offering vague suggestions about whether the next steps will be sped up.

“All considerations [are] under active discussion,” said Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy on Tuesday when asked whether the cabinet is looking at fast tracking the reopening.

The province has said it will wait at least 21 days before moving into the next phase of reopening in order to analyze trends and determine the impact of each step on hospitalizations and case counts.

Solicitor General Sylvia Jones said the province is actively monitoring the pandemic’s trends to allow for a safe reopening and cabinet ministers are having “ongoing daily conversations” with public health officials about those targets.

“I couldn’t be happier if we could open sooner, but I also want to do it safety and we’re doing that under the advice and guidance of the Chief Medical Officer of Health,” Jones said.

“As soon as we’re able to share with businesses and the people of Ontario, we will do that.”

The second step, which would allow for personal care services, live music events, outdoor amusement parks and small indoor gatherings, is slated to begin on July 2.

The roadmap document states the province would need to wait another three weeks before moving to Step 3, when indoor activities including dining, sports, casinos, events and gatherings would be allowed.

Toronto Mayor John Tory said Tuesday the high vaccination rates could make it "much easier" for the province to look at a truncated timeline for the economic reopening.

"I think there is the opportunity for those [timelines] to be shortened,” Tory said. "I want the city opened up again as soon it possibly can be safely done."

Toronto infectious diseases expert Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti also said Tuesday that Ontario should "absolutely" speed up the reopening timeline given the current vaccine numbers.

"(COVID-19) is not going to be able to explode like it did back when we had no vaccine, or very little vaccine, coverage," Chakrabarti said.

"I really think we need to start moving on. We should accelerate ... I think we have the ability at this point to open up and do so safely."

06-23-2021, 06:01 AM
The new variant will be spread by trees ….go back inside and burn the trees …
Only in Ontario