View Full Version : Tire VS Tire. Winter tire related

02-05-2022, 08:17 PM
Starting this thread so as to not derail the meme thread.

Freedom of choice? Or should the government mandate (as they did in Quebec) that all vehicles ride on dedicated winter tires during the winter months?


02-05-2022, 08:24 PM
Starting this thread so as to not derail the meme thread.

Freedom of choice? Or should the government mandate (as they did in Quebec) that all vehicles ride on dedicated winter tires during the winter months?

I think clarification should be made on who a mandate would cover and how they enforce it.

I run winter tires on everything. People should. But should the old lady who’s car stays parked in the garage all winter while she is in Florida. Be forced by the government to install winter tires?

What about parts that don’t see much snow?

What if people can’t afford them? Is this another social program?

Winter tires don’t exist for my delivery truck. I’ve tried to buy them. How is that enforced?

The cheapest winter tire isn’t any better than an all season. How is that a benefit?

02-05-2022, 08:26 PM
LOL, I just re-read the last argument in that meme: the government can track me in the snow. That one went over my head the first read. Funny on multiple levels.

02-05-2022, 08:29 PM
LOL, I just re-read the last argument in that meme: the government can track me in the snow. That one went over my head the first read. Funny on multiple levels.

You have to watch that. They use that tech all the time.

They were able to track the guys who broke into the Hensall LCBo years ago and they didn’t even use snow tires. They just walked. Lol

02-05-2022, 08:33 PM
But should the old lady who’s car stays parked in the garage all winter while she is in Florida. Be forced by the government to install winter tires?
If she’s in Florida then she isn’t driving her car here in the snow. So no.

What about parts that don’t see much snow?
In Ontario? Like where?

What if people can’t afford them? Is this another social program?
You can afford a car, you can afford tires. And there already exists incentives/rebates/discounts from insurance

Winter tires don’t exist for my delivery truck. I’ve tried to buy them. How is that enforced?
Got me there. No idea about commercial vehicles.

The cheapest winter tire isn’t any better than an all season. How is that a benefit?
Disagree. The cheapest winter tire is going to be better than the cheapest all-season

2 sets of tires (winter/summer) driven 1/2 year is the same cost as 2 sets of all-seasons driven year round.

02-05-2022, 08:40 PM
Disagree. The cheapest winter tire is going to be better than the cheapest all-season

I’m not sure if your missing the point or I am.

To me this meme reads as an argument against people who are anti vaccine mandates.

That’s fine, but then the argument must be the same. If your going to take the vaccine mandates and use this as an analogy then the analogy must match otherwise the argument it moot.

Therefor. Winter tires for ALL vehicles mandatory. Regardless of if they are driven. Who drives them or when they are driven. Even going as far as saying winter tires in the summer because it might get unseasonable cold. Because it’s about keeping people safe.

Any argument against this means you anti science and anti winter tire.

02-05-2022, 08:44 PM
Starting this thread so as to not derail the meme thread.

Freedom of choice? Or should the government mandate (as they did in Quebec) that all vehicles ride on dedicated winter tires during the winter months?


Cannot trust big rubber!

02-05-2022, 09:27 PM
Therefor. Winter tires for ALL vehicles mandatory. Regardless of if they are driven. Who drives them or when they are driven.
Nope. You can choose to not have winter tires. But if you are going to go out in public and share the roads with other people, then yes, you better have winter tires on. You might be a safe driver on all seasons, but science is on the side of winter tires performing better. And I’ll even give you that there are still assholes on winter tires.

02-05-2022, 09:39 PM
Then your purposefully missing the point.

In Quebec you get a fine. They don’t force
You out of work. And they accept reasonable exceptions. Ie for truckers. And for people who don’t drive a car in the winter.

If winter tire mandates were like vaccine mandates than every mustang here would be required by government order to have winter tires installed.

02-05-2022, 10:04 PM
I guess I missed the point of my own thread. Winter tires are safer than all season tires. And as such, the government should mandate their use. Like in Quebec.

02-05-2022, 10:13 PM
I guess I missed the point of my own thread. Winter tires are safer than all season tires. And as such, the government should mandate their use. Like in Quebec.

Winter tires ARE safer to use. But the government should not be in the business of forcing people to do what they want.

02-05-2022, 10:22 PM
Mandate yes but should only go so far as to say any vehicle operated between say Nov 1 to April 2 must have snow tires to operate on a public road. Gets old how every road with even the slightest of an incline is blocked for hours n hours and hours each and every snow storm with stuck buses leading the pack.
Back in the years when I owned tow trucks, loved the non believers. Number of tows outta the ditch, up the hill or smashed to hell, no snow tire crowd outpaced those with by a ridiculous number. Otherx leading the pack, 4wd SUV's, yes with or without snows. Difference was, snow tired suv users were usually going a ton faster when they lost it.

02-05-2022, 10:38 PM
Don’t disagree with idiots.

Just know what any time you give the government control of something. One they screw it up. And two they take more than you allow and never give it back.

Let the insurance companies keep charging them more.
Perhaps offer tax rebates on winter tires.

02-05-2022, 10:41 PM
I don't see it as control, think of it the same as needing working headlights to drive at night (but please no flippin high beams).

02-05-2022, 10:51 PM
same as needing working headlights to drive at night
Would you disagree with mandating automatic headlights? Or should people have the choice to choose? The number of morons I see driving with no lights at night…..

02-05-2022, 10:56 PM
Nope, not sure why it's not already a thing, especially given the IQ level of so many current drivers that can't cope with turning them on.
Yet I read an article last week where they think perhaps transport Canada should get involved n look into how distracting it is to use all this high tech crap we can't live without. As much as I love my truck, find it moronic I can't control all heater options from it's manual controls, have to go into the touch screen to control others. Who in their right mind ever thought that was safe?
All this nanny stuff is doing, making dumb drivers dumber. Flabbergasted how many times you can see the lane alert flashing in the vehicle beside mirror only to have the driver start to lane change into me.