View Full Version : Elon Musk's twitter take over

11-01-2022, 11:08 AM
What are your opinions about this?
I'm having an absolute field day reading the daily sh!t storm thats begun.
Glad that there's free speech on the platform. At least people with more center to right wing beliefs dont have to worry about getting shadow banned.

I was loving when he fired the girl who banned Trump.

11-01-2022, 12:28 PM
Who cares, Next week there will be a new anti-social media platform.

11-01-2022, 12:35 PM
it's a pretty big deal, until another flavor of censorship arises.

Cancel culture is still alive and well, so outspoken voices now allowed to speak will still face the wrath of the woke.

11-01-2022, 02:54 PM
Who cares, Next week there will be a new anti-social media platform.

But how many of those platforms ever gain marketshare? Twitter has monopolized the market.

11-01-2022, 02:55 PM
it's a pretty big deal, until another flavor of censorship arises.

Cancel culture is still alive and well, so outspoken voices now allowed to speak will still face the wrath of the woke.

I agree, but atleast you can have a platform with disagreements.
Imagine, I got banned from twitter permanently for stating "Only biological women have the gift of giving birth"

11-01-2022, 03:06 PM
I agree, but atleast you can have a platform with disagreements.
Imagine, I got banned from twitter permanently for stating "Only biological women have the gift of giving birth"

in general the right sees posts, discussions, arguments from both the left and right. In general the left only sees posts, discussions, arguments from the left.

This will be a rude awakening for some lefties, and and enlightenment for others. Look at Bill Mahar who is certainly not a right winger, but is adopting some "right wing" positions. In his case it's not Twitter, but a similar "conversion" could happen via Twitter. This assumes some degree of willingness to hear out alternative views, which is probably optimistic.

in general the internet is not a place where minds are changed.

11-01-2022, 10:16 PM
I think it’s awesome he did it, free speech is an absolute MUST, despite what the snowflakes think. It’s really sad when speech gets censored, and people get banned for silly things. I don’t think he really planned to but someone on a Twitter told him to and he said “how much”? Kinda like when Obama was talking trash about Trump, making him want to run for president, lol.

11-01-2022, 10:40 PM
Love that the Arabs have a controlling hand in this...gonna be fun.

11-01-2022, 10:54 PM
As if that’s relevant to anything…….…old Twitter was insanely restrictive and tons of the accounts were fake, it’s been a giant scam perpetuated on the public to push a common goal. It’s about time someone with some some common sense and pride has control.

11-01-2022, 11:08 PM
Like I said, Arabs (and their eastern allies) and their penchant for democracy and free speech, and with controlling stakes.....will be fun to watch. It's been a free ride so far for Twitter users so will be interesting to see how they (major shareholders) monetize this to get their money back. Truth Social and it's like competitors are failing financially so curious to see how this converts "real" users to cashflow (and without driving Tesla down even more).

11-02-2022, 05:01 AM
I’m not on twitter so I don’t really care what goes on there.

11-02-2022, 10:08 AM
Like I said, Arabs (and their eastern allies) and their penchant for democracy and free speech, and with controlling stakes.....will be fun to watch. It's been a free ride so far for Twitter users so will be interesting to see how they (major shareholders) monetize this to get their money back. Truth Social and it's like competitors are failing financially so curious to see how this converts "real" users to cashflow (and without driving Tesla down even more).

They have the same stake now that they did before. Nothing changes with how many shares they own.

But keep pushing the Musk bad narrative.

11-02-2022, 11:39 AM
I thought I heard that Elon was thinking of taking Twitter private

11-02-2022, 12:03 PM
Already did with the transaction so no more regulatory oversight as a publicly traded company (that's why the board was dissolved and a new one will be set up). He did not finance it all himself so in the change of ownership and public owners going away it's just him and Saudis as #1 and #2 shareholders with controlling stakes, and then a few private equity investors with smaller stakes, and lenders.

11-02-2022, 12:14 PM
It's all speculation. Elon has publicly stated he's a free speech advocate. Doesn't mean he's not full of shit, but his actions seem to reinforce it.

If Twitter moves the needle on election integrity that on it's own will change the landscape.

Scott Adams made a good observation. Twitter is the platform that steers all other platforms. Additionally it's not very important with the public, but it is very important with journalists. This is where narratives are built and hopefully now can be challenged.

11-02-2022, 05:58 PM
He will draw lines so will be interesting where those lines are and whether that will attract the advertisers to help make this thing profitable (in addition to user fee-based services). For a "free speech" advocate he tends to block Twitter users who speak out or criticize him in the past so actions vs words will be interesting as this evolves.

11-02-2022, 06:36 PM
Should have spent the 44B on a hotel on the Moon or Mars. He would have made most of it back on future resevations

11-02-2022, 06:51 PM
Should have spent the 44B on a hotel on the Moon or Mars. He would have made most of it back on future resevations

I find this especially funny given your username.

11-03-2022, 09:55 AM
Love the fact that the Biden tweets are now getting fact checked.
Why was Trump ALWAYS fact checked left right and center yet nothing for Biden? The way they're parading around Obama - you would think he's running for presidency lol

11-03-2022, 10:17 AM
Love the fact that the Biden tweets are now getting fact checked.
Why was Trump ALWAYS fact checked left right and center yet nothing for Biden? The way they're parading around Obama - you would think he's running for presidency lol

Wait are you saying Biden DIDNT talk to Fredric Banting?!?? WHAT?!?!

11-03-2022, 10:44 AM
Love the fact that the Biden tweets are now getting fact checked.
Why was Trump ALWAYS fact checked left right and center yet nothing for Biden? The way they're parading around Obama - you would think he's running for presidency lol

Trump was fact checked all the time because he’s spent his entire adult life bending the truth. Why it isn’t happening to Biden with all the dumb shit he says, I have no idea. I guess maybe I have some idea lol.

11-03-2022, 12:10 PM
Love the fact that the Biden tweets are now getting fact checked.
Why was Trump ALWAYS fact checked left right and center yet nothing for Biden? The way they're parading around Obama - you would think he's running for presidency lol

Obama said he'd like to run the presidency with a front man, so.....

11-03-2022, 12:51 PM
Trump was fact checked all the time because he’s spent his entire adult life bending the truth. Why it isn’t happening to Biden with all the dumb shit he says, I have no idea. I guess maybe I have some idea lol.

Trump just outright lies - been doing so for decades, and even when warned not to do so or get flagged then banned he still went ahead...and still doing so today. Biden's stuff appears to be more on the gaff side but there have been some lies or bending the facts and he has been called out/flagged for it - maybe it should be flagged more? Yes he should if what he is posting is not true but he's not the conspiracy guy that Trump and his followers are so the truth:lies ratio is opposite the last guy.

11-03-2022, 01:05 PM
Trump just outright lies - been doing so for decades, and even when warned not to do so or get flagged then banned he still went ahead...and still doing so today. Biden's stuff appears to be more on the gaff side but there have been some lies or bending the facts and he has been called out/flagged for it - maybe it should be flagged more? Yes he should if what he is posting is not true but he's not the conspiracy guy that Trump and his followers are so the truth:lies ratio is opposite the last guy.

Biden is rarely if ever questioned about his claims, and when he is an answer is not given, at least not one that makes any sense…..he gets a pass constantly. Meanwhile, Trumps words were always twisted or manipulated to make him look foolish, there’s a big difference between the two. If you’d like to show some examples between the two I’d love to see them.

11-03-2022, 01:12 PM
Biden is rarely if ever questioned about his claims, and when he is an answer is not given, at least not one that makes any sense…..he gets a pass constantly. Meanwhile, Trumps words were always twisted or manipulated to make him look foolish, there’s a big difference between the two. If you’d like to show some examples between the two I’d love to see them.

You mean all the video coverage of Trump and his actual tweets/communication were modified? His (past and current) lawyers have been and are getting in trouble for these lies and are now not attesting to his responses or attestations, and he cannot get the "best" people to represent him. But that could be either because they don't want to put themselves in legal jeopardy with this client or because he doesn't pay his bills.

Yes Biden gets an easy ride on his gaffs (as you note "not one that makes any sense" which is different from untrue) and should get flagged/called out on these as well versus putting it down as he's always made speaking gaffs so let it slide.

11-03-2022, 02:10 PM
Lawfare is a proven tactic to tie up opponents and keep them on constant defense. Anyone that associates with Trump is included in lawfare witch hunts and relentless pursuit. Aside from tying up the target of the accusations, this also dissuades anyone from stepping into the line of fire.

If you've ever been divorced, you'll be familiar with this common lawfare tactic, but on a smaller scale.

11-03-2022, 03:54 PM
Biden's stuff appears to be more on the gaff side but there have been some lies or bending the facts and he has been called out/flagged for it .

This is the single funniest thing I have read today.

11-03-2022, 07:48 PM
You mean all the video coverage of Trump and his actual tweets/communication were modified? His (past and current) lawyers have been and are getting in trouble for these lies and are now not attesting to his responses or attestations, and he cannot get the "best" people to represent him. But that could be either because they don't want to put themselves in legal jeopardy with this client or because he doesn't pay his bills.

Yes Biden gets an easy ride on his gaffs (as you note "not one that makes any sense" which is different from untrue) and should get flagged/called out on these as well versus putting it down as he's always made speaking gaffs so let it slide.

If you mean to say Biden is a senile, unfit liar, then sure, I agree. But if you too are giving him a pass for all the lies he’s told, then I’m not surprised, some people believe whatever the media tells them to believe.
I’m done with this, no doubt it will end ok in BFF just like many other relevant topics

11-03-2022, 08:28 PM
I mean Biden has been a serial liar his entire career. Wasn’t he up for president a long time ago and got caught plagiarizing speeches so he got passed over?

11-03-2022, 09:04 PM

11-03-2022, 09:07 PM
That Time Joe Biden Lied About His Academic Credentials


11-03-2022, 09:09 PM

11-03-2022, 09:12 PM

11-03-2022, 10:30 PM
https://www.rzrforums.net/cdn-cgi/image/format=auto,onerror=redirect,width=1920,height=192 0,fit=scale-down/https://www.rzrforums.net/attachments/fgwljfwwqaeqqwj-jpg.708864/

11-03-2022, 10:36 PM
^^Is that one of the prospective cop killers we saw on TV trying to break into the Capitol on the last guy's lies and urging just to stay in power?

Not sure if you've also googled video compilations of the other guy's lies - too long a list to even start posting but you can view an extensive sampling of videos on YT....not sure any other POTUS even comes close (even Nixon).

11-04-2022, 07:29 AM
^^Is that one of the prospective cop killers we saw on TV trying to break into the Capitol on the last guy's lies and urging just to stay in power?

Not sure if you've also googled video compilations of the other guy's lies - too long a list to even start posting but you can view an extensive sampling of videos on YT....not sure any other POTUS even comes close (even Nixon).

what the hell is a prospective cop killer? why does that bother you more than the ACTUAL cop killers from the summer of love? when you angry about a riot that lasted 3 hours and ignoring one that lasted months. your part of the problem.

when your angry that Trump said, "peacefully protest, and we love you but go home" and you dont care about the democrats that said the riots in 2020 where necessary and people needed to riot more and harder. YOUR PART OF THE PROBLEM

when you cant let go of the fact that Trump didn't accept the election but Democrats NEVER accept elections. YOUR PART OF THE PROBLEM

11-04-2022, 09:01 AM
^^Is that one of the prospective cop killers we saw on TV trying to break into the Capitol on the last guy's lies and urging just to stay in power?

do you believe a cop was killed on January 6th at the US capitol? If yes, show your work.

11-04-2022, 09:02 AM
Not sure if you've also googled video compilations of the other guy's lies - too long a list to even start posting but you can view an extensive sampling of videos on YT....not sure any other POTUS even comes close (even Nixon).

The issue at hand is Biden's lies, not the other guys lies. One does not excuse the other, or vice versa. Diversion or ad hominem are the go to tactic when present with proof contrary to a claim.

On Nixon there's an excellent 9 part podcast on his story on "Red Pilled America"

11-04-2022, 09:20 AM
it will be a great platform if he decides to run for office...

11-04-2022, 12:06 PM
The issue at hand is Biden's lies, not the other guys lies. One does not excuse the other, or vice versa.

Think to me it goes further than That. Personally I don’t give a shit if a politician is an ass hole or embellishes the truth. IF they are doing a good job. If the country is doing well. Economy is booming. If the actual metrics that matter to day to day life are good. They could bang every Intern and tweet what ever they want.

If they are a failure in every aspect. The the economy is collapsing or if they are directly screwing tax payers then I have an issue.

11-04-2022, 12:12 PM
Freeland announces 30B in new spending, money printer go brrr.

Inflation isn't a rise in prices, it's a devaluation of the spending power of your dollar. It sounds like semantics, but there's a huge difference. The only entity allowed to print money is the government. Money printing devalues your dollar.

11-05-2022, 12:11 AM
Biden is rarely if ever questioned about his claims, and when he is an answer is not given, at least not one that makes any sense…..he gets a pass constantly. Meanwhile, Trumps words were always twisted or manipulated to make him look foolish, there’s a big difference between the two. If you’d like to show some examples between the two I’d love to see them.

Trump didn’t need his words to be twisted or manipulated for him to look foolish. He accomplishes that all by himself, usually when he opens his mouth to speak. Biden is no better either.

11-05-2022, 02:16 PM
^^Is that one of the prospective cop killers we saw on TV trying to break into the Capitol on the last guy's lies and urging just to stay in power?

do you believe a cop was killed on January 6th at the US capitol? If yes, show your work.

Yep crickets

11-05-2022, 02:18 PM
Trump didn’t need his words to be twisted or manipulated for him to look foolish. He accomplishes that all by himself, usually when he opens his mouth to speak. Biden is no better either.

One doesn't cancel the other. If both are guilty, both remain guilty. Claiming what aboutism doesn't mean Biden is absolved.

11-06-2022, 10:04 PM
One doesn't cancel the other. If both are guilty, both remain guilty. Claiming what aboutism doesn't mean Biden is absolved.

Not 100% sure what you’re talking about lol. I’m saying Trump doesn’t need anyone to twist his words to make him sound like an imbecile since he is one all by himself. Biden is the same and should be getting the same treatment from the media. To me, literally no one that is thinking about running for president on either side is worthy of being the POTUS. They all seem so concerned about screwing over the other party that they’ve forgotten who they’re being elected to serve.

11-07-2022, 08:26 AM
To me, literally no one that is thinking about running for president on either side is worthy of being the POTUS. They all seem so concerned about screwing over the other party that they’ve forgotten who they’re being elected to serve.

Ron DeSantis for the Republicans and Tulsi Gabard for the Democrats. IMO

11-07-2022, 08:45 AM
Not 100% sure what you’re talking about lol. I’m saying Trump doesn’t need anyone to twist his words to make him sound like an imbecile since he is one all by himself. Biden is the same and should be getting the same treatment from the media. To me, literally no one that is thinking about running for president on either side is worthy of being the POTUS. They all seem so concerned about screwing over the other party that they’ve forgotten who they’re being elected to serve.

funny how no one is pushing for a cognition test for Biden

11-07-2022, 09:19 AM
Freeland announces 30B in new spending, money printer go brrr.

Inflation isn't a rise in prices, it's a devaluation of the spending power of your dollar. It sounds like semantics, but there's a huge difference. The only entity allowed to print money is the government. Money printing devalues your dollar.

Worst part is, she used herself having to cut her Disney + subscription as an example of "cutting down expenses to make ends meet" ... imagine how out of touch this witch is

11-07-2022, 09:20 AM
Trump didn’t need his words to be twisted or manipulated for him to look foolish. He accomplishes that all by himself, usually when he opens his mouth to speak. Biden is no better either.

I agree.
That is where Desantis really blows Trump out of the water. I really hope Desantis can make the run - he would win.

11-07-2022, 09:47 AM
I doubt Desantis will get nominated over Trump. Kari lake, Rand Paul, Matt Gaetz are all strong VP choices.

Desantis's time is the following cycle.

I have my doubts about the supposed "red wave" of the mid terms. Overturning Roe was a Democrat strategic win. Female voter turnout is typically higher than men. Put abortion on the ticket and there's gonna be high turnout for that single Democrat issue.

The mid term vote is really for economy & inflation versus abortion.

What happens after the midterms will dictate the direction for 2024

11-07-2022, 12:53 PM
funny how no one is pushing for a cognition test for Biden

And they absolutely should be. Every President should have to do one yearly or semi-annually. Most powerful nation in the world should have a mentally competent leader.

11-07-2022, 04:13 PM


11-07-2022, 05:19 PM
Is this real or just misinformation (I see it on Twitter but nothing comes up via Google from Disney)? I would have thought that this is a breach of privacy re account information....especially from the head of the division/company.

11-07-2022, 05:52 PM
Is this real or just misinformation (I see it on Twitter but nothing comes up via Google from Disney)? I would have thought that this is a breach of privacy re account information....especially from the head of the division/company.

100% fake news.

11-07-2022, 05:53 PM
And they absolutely should be. Every President should have to do one yearly or semi-annually. Most powerful nation in the world should have a mentally competent leader.

People older than 70 need to be tested every year to drive a car... but the public seems to be just fine with them running a country LOL

11-07-2022, 05:56 PM
100% fake news.

Yeah, saw that....looks like original post from a troll that got re-tweeted.


11-07-2022, 05:59 PM
People older than 70 need to be tested every year to drive a car... but the public seems to be just fine with them running a country LOL

Not sure what the average age in our senate is but I wonder if it's past the "official" retirement age.

11-07-2022, 07:00 PM
People older than 70 need to be tested every year to drive a car...

100% fake news.

It’s tested every second year after the age of 80.

11-07-2022, 07:06 PM
What does any of this political BS have to do with the original purpose of this thread.

11-07-2022, 07:12 PM
LOL, it didn’t get past page 2 before going off topic

11-07-2022, 07:51 PM
What does any of this political BS have to do with the original purpose of this thread.

because the left is going nuts for potential of losing narrative control

11-08-2022, 08:50 AM
Yeah, saw that....looks like original post from a troll that got re-tweeted.


is this fact checking...?

11-08-2022, 11:31 AM

11-08-2022, 12:11 PM
I think that CBC funding is low.

11-08-2022, 01:03 PM
is this fact checking...?

That's who posted the meme originally. Not sure where they got it from or if they made it (up).

11-08-2022, 08:59 PM

11-09-2022, 12:09 PM
this experiment shows the power of group think and peer pressure

If you control the narrative, you control group think


11-10-2022, 11:51 AM
I have my doubts about the supposed "red wave" of the mid terms. Overturning Roe was a Democrat strategic win. Female voter turnout is typically higher than men. Put abortion on the ticket and there's gonna be high turnout for that single Democrat issue.

The mid term vote is really for economy & inflation versus abortion.

What happens after the midterms will dictate the direction for 2024


11-10-2022, 11:58 AM

Sad sad world we live in.

11-10-2022, 12:08 PM
It appears to be an attempt to remove abortion rights (different version of Texas attempt).....


Proponents explain the Republican-backed measure as way to guarantee that born-alive infants are considered legal persons entitled to medical care, no matter their health prognoses or how they’re delivered, including via abortion. Nationally, born-alive initiatives and laws have been pushed by anti-abortion coalitions that say without such legal protections infants who survive abortions would be left to die.

Opponents of LR-131 say those arguments are false and misleading, in part because infanticide is already illegal in Montana. Rather, medical experts who have organized against the referendum, including the Montana Medical Association, Montana Hospital Association, Montana Nurses Association and the state chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, say it would criminalize health care providers who withhold resuscitative care to newborns with fatal conditions at the request of grieving parents.

11-10-2022, 01:24 PM
the whole issue was perfectly timed to mobilize the pro choice voters. Women typically have higher turnout. The under 30 demographic voter turnout also spiked with a hard lean to the Dem's.

It's nothing to do with the issue, it all about mobilizing voters.

The whole pro choice, pro life debate would disappear if men were given the option to abort financial responsibility.

11-10-2022, 02:23 PM
You mean SCOTUS timed their decision to coincide with the mid-terms on purpose? This would not have been an issue or this particular Montana GOP bill on the mid-term had the SCOTUS not made a decision a few months ago or the decision was different (ie. status quo). So a conservative SCOTUS is trying to mobilize women/younger voters?

11-10-2022, 02:35 PM
It appears to be an attempt to remove abortion rights (different version of Texas attempt).....


Proponents explain the Republican-backed measure as way to guarantee that born-alive infants are considered legal persons entitled to medical care, no matter their health prognoses or how they’re delivered, including via abortion. Nationally, born-alive initiatives and laws have been pushed by anti-abortion coalitions that say without such legal protections infants who survive abortions would be left to die.

Opponents of LR-131 say those arguments are false and misleading, in part because infanticide is already illegal in Montana. Rather, medical experts who have organized against the referendum, including the Montana Medical Association, Montana Hospital Association, Montana Nurses Association and the state chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, say it would criminalize health care providers who withhold resuscitative care to newborns with fatal conditions at the request of grieving parents.

Except what the right is worried about is documented as having happened in other states with the same laws. So. I’ll side with what has happened over what might happen.

Either way there is no morally superior argument to killing an baby. Either pre labor or post.

Remember. Listen to the science.

11-10-2022, 03:04 PM
Except what the right is worried about is documented as having happened in other states with the same laws. So. I’ll side with what has happened over what might happen.

Either way there is no morally superior argument to killing an baby. Either pre labor or post.

Remember. Listen to the science.

I have my opinion but setting that aside. Women decide if sex occurs, they decide if pregnancy continues or terminates. Men have zero say in childbearing, zero authority. Men also have 100% financial responsibility regardless of their wishes. Responsibility without authority is slavery.

This incentives women to have children and extract resources from men.

If women can abort a pregnancy, men should be able to abort responsibility.

Morality need not enter the discussion. If this change occurred the issue would disappear very quickly.

This will also never be discussed as it would be viewed as removal of women's rights, even if it means slavery for men.

11-10-2022, 03:34 PM
I have my opinion but setting that aside. Women decide if sex occurs, they decide if pregnancy continues or terminates. Men have zero say in childbearing, zero authority. Men also have 100% financial responsibility regardless of their wishes. Responsibility without authority is slavery.

This incentives women to have children and extract resources from men.

If women can abort a pregnancy, men should be able to abort responsibility.

Morality need not enter the discussion. If this change occurred the issue would disappear very quickly.

This will also never be discussed as it would be viewed as removal of women's rights, even if it means slavery for men.

I don’t disagree with you. if a woman wants to abort and the man wants to keep it. To bad for him. Woman wins. If a woman wants to keep it and the man wants nothing to do with it. To bad for him he pays child support. Woman wins.

BUT if you set aside the small minority of abortions that result from rape/ incest

Every other case is for convenience. Poor choices led to pregnancy and people don’t want accountability. So imo the ONLY argument that matters is morality.

11-10-2022, 05:16 PM
I suspect we're aligned on morality. The morality argument has been in play for decades. Maybe it's time for stats and fairness.

The current situation is unfair.

The stats on rape are well under 1%. The stats for elective is majority. The numbers point out this a method of contraception.

11-11-2022, 08:31 AM
I have my opinion but setting that aside. Women decide if sex occurs, they decide if pregnancy continues or terminates. Men have zero say in childbearing, zero authority. Men also have 100% financial responsibility regardless of their wishes. Responsibility without authority is slavery.

This incentives women to have children and extract resources from men.

If women can abort a pregnancy, men should be able to abort responsibility.

Morality need not enter the discussion. If this change occurred the issue would disappear very quickly.

This will also never be discussed as it would be viewed as removal of women's rights, even if it means slavery for men.

Men also decide if sex occurs. If a man blows his load inside of a woman he should know full well the potential consequences of what might happen.

11-11-2022, 08:48 AM
Men also decide if sex occurs. If a man blows his load inside of a woman he should know full well the potential consequences of what might happen.

what do you call it when a woman refuses sex but the man proceeds.

women decide

11-11-2022, 08:59 AM
You mean SCOTUS timed their decision to coincide with the mid-terms on purpose? This would not have been an issue or this particular Montana GOP bill on the mid-term had the SCOTUS not made a decision a few months ago or the decision was different (ie. status quo). So a conservative SCOTUS is trying to mobilize women/younger voters?

There's Dem nominees on SCOTUS as well that can make decisions easier or harder. There's been 49 years to overturn it but it happened 6 months prior to a house vote widely anticipated to swing deep red.

11-11-2022, 12:36 PM
It’s called rape and it can go both ways. Just happens significantly more with men doing it to women.

11-11-2022, 12:37 PM
what do you call it when a woman refuses sex but the man proceeds.

women decide

It’s called rape and it can go both ways. Just happens significantly more with men doing it to women.

What do you call it when a woman wants it but the man says no. That would be called the man deciding.

11-11-2022, 02:05 PM
It’s called rape and it can go both ways. Just happens significantly more with men doing it to women.

What do you call it when a woman wants it but the man says no. That would be called the man deciding.

When a woman wants sex, it can happen.

When a woman doesn’t want sex it can’t happen.

When a man wants sex it can’t happen without a woman’s permission.

An ugly woman, broke woman can walk into a bar and get sex within minutes. A good looking well heeled guy will have to work hard to get sex in the same situation.

The sex with the greatest reproductive investment decides. Sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive.

I doubt you’ve ever had the problem of women offering you sex. Most women turn down offers all day long, either direct or indirect. When’s the last time a woman even came and hit on you? Men qualify to women, women disqualify men (ew I don’t like your shoes).

11-11-2022, 02:45 PM
shoes in the bedroom are a no go for me too.

11-11-2022, 03:39 PM
shoes in the bedroom are a no go for me too.


11-11-2022, 03:51 PM
I've been propositioned from both —maybe we should ask Elon.

11-11-2022, 05:01 PM
There's Dem nominees on SCOTUS as well that can make decisions easier or harder. There's been 49 years to overturn it but it happened 6 months prior to a house vote widely anticipated to swing deep red.

They were out-voted by the Cons on SCOTUS so maybe the Cons didn't want a red wave to occur?

Back to Twitter - curious to see what changes are coming to develop new features, win back exiting advertisers, and stop the bleeding and chaos over the past 2 weeks. Firing then re-hiring people because they actually needed them, the new pay for verified status has fake and impersonator accounts all over the place this week and now being rolled back partially, competent key people jumping ship, etc, etc.

If this is how Teslas are developed/built....definitiely wouldn't be driving one anytime soon.

11-11-2022, 05:33 PM
yeah you know better than Elon

11-11-2022, 07:50 PM

11-11-2022, 08:12 PM
Tucker and Fox News are idiots or maybe the viewers are? The FTC things precedes the takeover and the people who are fired or leaving on their own are the ones who are supposed to be addressing the FTCs findings so he'll need to find new people to re-start or continue the resolution. There were billion dollar fines already pending before 2 weeks ago. He's the one who fired people he needed, added features that caused chaos on the platform, and removed stuff he hastily implemented. Does Tucker address that? Probably not because his viewers don't know any better. Hey, it's Elon's business now so he can do with as he pleases....we're all armchair critics and popcorn eaters anyway since I don't know how many people in this thread have Twitter accounts.

11-11-2022, 08:46 PM
Can we get this thread back on track? Would somebody pleeeeease save the fetuses?

11-11-2022, 08:54 PM
Tucker and Fox News are idiots or maybe the viewers are? .

Everyone I disagree with is stupid.

Stay classy.

11-11-2022, 08:57 PM
Tucker and Fox News are idiots or maybe the viewers are? The FTC things precedes the takeover and the people who are fired or leaving on their own are the ones who are supposed to be addressing the FTCs findings so he'll need to find new people to re-start or continue the resolution. There were billion dollar fines already pending before 2 weeks ago. He's the one who fired people he needed, added features that caused chaos on the platform, and removed stuff he hastily implemented. Does Tucker address that? Probably not because his viewers don't know any better. Hey, it's Elon's business now so he can do with as he pleases....we're all armchair critics and popcorn eaters anyway since I don't know how many people in this thread have Twitter accounts.

ah the old ad hominem chestnut rises yet again.

No FTC action when censorship was underway, but when censorship removal threatens the narrative..... How is this not political targetting.

11-11-2022, 09:01 PM
Sorry, sometimes ad hominem is valid and applicable. Trust fund baby elitist playing an everyman Joe to mislead gullible people. Not a fan of this stupidity.

11-11-2022, 09:07 PM
ah the old ad hominem chestnut rises yet again.

No FTC action when censorship was underway, but when censorship removal threatens the narrative..... How is this not political targetting.

The issues now stem from an earlier settlement (stemming from earlier violations long before 2022) before and agreement with the FTC that Twitter agreed to abide by. The noise this week is just convenient obfuscation for Tucker to sell more boner pills to viewers.

Went back and watched the whole segment and while I lost a few brain cells doing so, I will concede that they know their audience well and are very good at crafting a "story" for said "audience" using half truths and partial stories into their conspiracies, and even throwing in a bone for their anti-Semitic base.

11-11-2022, 09:57 PM
The issues now stem from an earlier settlement (stemming from earlier violations long before 2022) before and agreement with the FTC that Twitter agreed to abide by. The noise this week is just convenient obfuscation for Tucker to sell more boner pills to viewers.

Went back and watched the whole segment and while I lost a few brain cells doing so, I will concede that they know their audience well and are very good at crafting a "story" for said "audience" using half truths and partial stories into their conspiracies, and even throwing in a bone for their anti-Semitic base.

if it was from an earlier pre Musk violation, why the delay?

11-11-2022, 10:01 PM
Sorry, sometimes ad hominem is valid and applicable. Trust fund baby elitist playing an everyman Joe to mislead gullible people. Not a fan of this stupidity.

So what if he's is a trust fund elitist posing as an everyman. Does this automatically mean he's wrong.

I'm sure I could find some insult to disqualify your opinions, just as you could point out one of my many faults, neither mean we're automatically wrong.

Using an ad hominem really means you have no argument and must resort to insults. Repeated use of ad hominem could be ammo for an ad hominem right back at you.

You're a smart man, do better.

11-11-2022, 10:06 PM
if it was from an earlier pre Musk violation, why the delay?

You're saying you honestly don't know? And think there was a "delay"?

Do you think the Justice Department should be investigating FTX as your boy Tucker suggests, or the FTC, or the SEC for all those unregulated investors?

11-11-2022, 10:11 PM
So what if he's is a trust fund elitist posing as an everyman. Does this automatically mean he's wrong.

I'm sure I could find some insult to disqualify your opinions, just as you could point out one of my many faults, neither mean we're automatically wrong.

Using an ad hominem really means you have no argument and must resort to insults. Repeated use of ad hominem could be ammo for an ad hominem right back at you.

You're a smart man, do better.

Yeah, trust fund baby impersonating joe blow - just adds to the fake news pitch....and there is so much wrong with that segment and both presenters in there for anyone who doesn't know what's going on with either Twitter or FTX (over a longer period of time than just the past couple years).

Do you think the concerns expressed about Elon and Twitter (ie. Justice Dept vs FTC) has to do with Twitter? Do you believe the GS vs Lehman thing they're spinning?

The part of the ad hominem definition that some gloss over or are not aware of:

Valid ad hominem arguments occur in informal logic, where the person making the argument relies on arguments from authority such as testimony, expertise, or a selective presentation of information supporting the position they are advocating. In this case, counterarguments may be made that the target is dishonest, lacks the claimed expertise, or has a conflict of interest.

11-12-2022, 12:36 AM

11-12-2022, 10:40 AM
I will concede that they know their audience well and are very good at crafting a "story" for said "audience" using half truths and partial stories into their conspiracies, and even throwing in a bone for their anti-Semitic base.

Yeah, trust fund baby impersonating joe blow - just adds to the fake news pitch....and there is so much wrong with that segment and both presenters in there for anyone who doesn't know what's going on with either Twitter or FTX (over a longer period of time than just the past couple years).

Valid ad hominem arguments occur in informal logic, where the person making the argument relies on arguments from authority such as testimony, expertise, or a selective presentation of information supporting the position they are advocating. In this case, counterarguments may be made that the target is dishonest, lacks the claimed expertise, or has a conflict of interest.

okay, Tucker is a poopy face

tuckers audience are poopy face

I found a definition that tells me poopy face is a valid response instead of factual rebuttal.

11-12-2022, 07:52 PM
I find this especially funny given your username.

I could of went on to recommend the Mars restaurants only serve Red potatoes or moon pies but that would be Tacky
Would be a good question for Twitter but it may be gone soon

11-13-2022, 10:00 AM
Do you think the Justice Department should be investigating FTX as your boy Tucker suggests, or the FTC, or the SEC for all those unregulated investors?


11-13-2022, 06:25 PM
Do you think the Justice Department should be investigating FTX as your boy Tucker suggests, or the FTC, or the SEC for all those unregulated investors?


11-15-2022, 12:52 PM
Scott Adams usually does a good job of simplifying things. Here he is talking about FTX, start at 24:07


11-17-2022, 12:37 AM
He's not really simplifying anything except feeding conspiracies (maybe on purpose since he is a cartoonist/satirist) with opinions and random internet "info". FTX is a private company and I'm not sure there's been leaks of their "balance sheet" that has obvious incriminating financial info (although there is a claim their balance sheet had a line item for FTT which would be a legitimate line item (nothing to do with legitimacy) in either short term or long term asset section depending on how it is classified (would be treated like holdings of BTC or Dogecoin on the balance sheet - assuming "legitimate"). And he never mentioned the Coindesk article of top FTX leaders/co-founders political donations to both sides (millions to both Dems and Reps but maybe can't sell advertising with that narrative?).

I think (and this is my opinion based on my first reaction to SBF about 5 years ago and what I've read since then and also the last few weeks) SBF is another high functioning person on the spectrum and like some others got ahead of his skis by leveraging crypto into a pseudo-fractional banking type strategy to multiply investment returns through a less than arms-length related party (thanks to lack of regulatory oversight; note that when he testified to Congress in the past he asked for them to be regulated, which Binance has always disagreed with if you recall their skirmishes here in Canada with government regulators who issued a cease trade order in the past) which built a house of cards that depended on the 10-year overdrawn boom cycle to continue in order to pay off - it didn't as markets rates went up and markets went south. It's too early to really know the extent of intent versus hubris and what was actually "criminal" or just the result of lack of regulation and a free for all market (versus our home grown Quadriga crash fiasco which appears to be actual fraud). The Planet Money podcast also just released an episode on this today and the research appears good (sounds like vetted by their lawyers to avoid lawsuit from false claims) except they probably went too easy on him (that could be the lawyers though) until the end when they noted it's possible there was criminal activity if client deposits were used for these high risk investments (but not enough info out there yet to support criminal intent).

I prefer this overview which excludes the conspiracy theories to partly understand (with current info but still early days) how this unwound:

https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vV1dPNjY1NTg2OT IzNg/episode/MTgzYmE5MDItNjQ2Yy0xMWVkLThkMjYtZTcyYmNhMzk4NWI1?h l=en-CA&ved=2ahUKEwjqhpuYoLT7AhXOl2oFHSnHBA0QieUEegQICBAI&ep=6

11-17-2022, 08:28 AM
I'm not sure there's been leaks of their "balance sheet" that has obvious incriminating financial info (although there is a claim their balance sheet had a line item for FTT which would be a legitimate line item (nothing to do with legitimacy) in either short term or long term asset section depending on how it is classified (would be treated like holdings of BTC or Dogecoin on the balance sheet - assuming "legitimate").

multiple mainstream news outlets reported the balance sheet "leak" its dosnt seem to be about "credible line items" but more about the FXT user agreement stating that they would not use your investment money to fund other investments like a bank but it looks as though they were. or at the very least using tfx money to purchases assets with his other company and then using those assets to leverage investment back into tfx. is it illegal? depends on the country your based in by the sounds of it. but sounds shady as fuck. just another financial guy gaming the system and getting rich at other peoples expense.

11-17-2022, 11:56 AM
Yes, not unlike what was happening across the board prior to 2008 in the banking industry. Since they are not regulated I'm not sure if their T&Cs would be required to state they wouldn't leverage deposits for "commercial" or "investment" activities. I'll have to see if the client agreement is available online (and I'll see if this is included in the T&Cs for my crypto accounts with other custodians).

11-17-2022, 12:05 PM
Scott Adams doesn't purport to deal in "facts" only appearances and credibility.

from the appearances perspectives it looks like a massive money laundering scam to fund the Dems via Ukraine. Apparently there's a line item that says Defeat Trump.

I have minimal knowledge and am swayed by my biases.

Sure appears to be a huge money laundering scam. Just like Epsteins client list, it'll never come out.

11-17-2022, 12:31 PM
He's just making it up as he goes along from Reddit and random internet posts....appears to be for entertainment purposes.

11-17-2022, 12:35 PM
I listened to that podcast. You took the time to listen to the Tucker episode I posted.

The discussion seemed informed on the structure of the collapse and market effects. Seems credible to me.

There was zero discussion of FTX's being the 2nd biggest $$ donor to the Democrats, no reference to Ukraine or any other seemingly shady dealings. I'd argue these "shady dealings" are the larger issue. IMO avoiding discussion of this adds credibility to the idea that there's meat on the bone of the money laundering aspect of the story.

11-17-2022, 12:56 PM
The political aspect has nothing to do with the collapse and it just feeds the conspiracy people. Corporations are "people" who give money to political parties (some to one party and some to more to hedge bets-in this case it was to both parties). This crash was likely hubris in an unregulated industry (although this can happen in regulated or "lightly" regulated ones as well as 2008 was an example with banks and mortgage syndication) and maybe criminal activity (ie. embezzlement if he has hidden money in offshore accounts) although yet to be determined. Will be interesting to say if Elon can overcome some of his own hubris with Twitter and avoid further meltdown of Tesla (which he's cause over the last several months) and avoid contagion spreading to Space X (due to his DoD and CCP contracts and ties).


11-17-2022, 01:48 PM
The political aspect has nothing to do with the collapse and it just feeds the conspiracy people. Corporations are "people" who give money to political parties (some to one party and some to more to hedge bets-in this case it was to both parties). This crash was likely hubris in an unregulated industry (although this can happen in regulated or "lightly" regulated ones as well as 2008 was an example with banks and mortgage syndication) and maybe criminal activity (ie. embezzlement if he has hidden money in offshore accounts) although yet to be determined. Will be interesting to say if Elon can overcome some of his own hubris with Twitter and avoid further meltdown of Tesla (which he's cause over the last several months) and avoid contagion spreading to Space X (due to his DoD and CCP contracts and ties).


I don't see the political aspect as being responsible for the crash. The Democrat's were undoubtedly beneficiaries of FTX chicanery however. I would imagine the Dem's would prefer the FTX scheme to continue as a revenue source and had little interest in causing it's collapse.

11-17-2022, 03:54 PM
I can't comment on conspiracy theories - only commenting on the FTX donations to both political parties which are public record.

11-17-2022, 04:52 PM
I can't comment on conspiracy theories - only commenting on the FTX donations to both political parties which are public record.

what's you definition of conspiracy theories?

11-17-2022, 06:22 PM
what's you definition of conspiracy theories?

Everything he disagrees with. Lol.

11-17-2022, 06:42 PM

11-17-2022, 06:44 PM
I can't comment on conspiracy theories - only commenting on the FTX donations to both political parties which are public record.

seems to be quite a bit of variation in donation amounts depending on source.

do you have one that isn't wildly skewed Democrat?

11-18-2022, 01:51 AM
Coindesk is wildly skewed Democrat? I know it's not Reddit or random Youtuber but......

11-18-2022, 01:58 AM

Do you think these right wing Twitter bots do this on purpose to mislead people? I wonder if they paid $8 for the blue check mark...lol.

Why would they not also show the other speakers like Bibi and Mike Pence at this Dealbook event. I'm surprised they didn't throw Soros and Klaus in there for good measure. This type of selective compilation (they copy/pasted/photoshopped to get that specific image) is designed to feed the conspiracies....otherwise there would be no need to photoshop/copy/paste and exclude other participants.

11-18-2022, 01:24 PM

11-18-2022, 01:26 PM
Coindesk is wildly skewed Democrat? I know it's not Reddit or random Youtuber but......

Reddit is poopy head

Random YouTuber is poopy head

11-21-2022, 09:51 AM
Reddit is poopy head

Random YouTuber is poopy head

I'm banned permanently from Reddit for saying "last I checked it wasnt pregnant people since only women can get pregnant"

11-24-2022, 10:07 AM

11-24-2022, 03:54 PM
Yup, the whole system is riddled with conflicts of interest.

Chairman of Reuters, James C Smith - the fact checking site is on the board of directors for Pfizer

11-24-2022, 11:20 PM
Lots of sexy trollers on there now…

12-03-2022, 11:30 AM
Democrat data suppression confirmed. Laptop, what laptop? Biden influence peddling confirmed.

NYT silent
WAPO silent

12-03-2022, 12:33 PM

12-03-2022, 01:37 PM
Democrat data suppression confirmed. Laptop, what laptop? Biden influence peddling confirmed.

NYT silent
WAPO silent

They knew it was real all along. They just don’t care.

Many pols done in the US show they had people known it likely would have changed the election.

People are brain washed. Let them reap what they have sown.

12-03-2022, 01:55 PM
They knew it was real all along. They just don’t care.

Many pols done in the US show they had people known it likely would have changed the election.

People are brain washed. Let them reap what they have sown.

The US is the template for Brazil, Europe, and yes, even here in Canada

12-06-2022, 10:41 AM

12-07-2022, 01:07 PM

12-08-2022, 09:49 PM

12-09-2022, 02:02 PM
just a quick status report

yes data suppression - Hunter laptop - that can effect elections

yes shadow banning, suppressing and hiding messaging from conservatives that can effect elections

any bets on similar actions for say Bolsanaro, Le Pen, or maybe Trudeau? Can anyone think of any Canadian issues that reflected poorly on the liberal government that might have been shadow banned? How about complete suppression of a voice like Bernier?

12-11-2022, 09:37 PM

12-13-2022, 10:42 AM
Musk just recommended a follow of "The Rabbit Hole" on Twitter. https://therabbithole84.substack.com/

Here's one article from their Substack on turning racism into a commodity.

Gad Saad's book "The Parasitic Mind" goes into this and other similar "woke" topics more deeply, but this Rabbit Scooby snack is well done.

This phenomenon, the commodification of racial grievances, has gained prominence in the past decade. Out of the many key players, this article will focus on covering examples of how the American University system serves as a key pillar of the Racial Industrial Complex through the coddling of young minds that should be challenged, discriminatory practices on campuses, and the distribution of degrees in the critical theories that form the intellectual backbone of the Racial Industrial Complex.


12-14-2022, 10:41 AM

12-16-2022, 12:10 AM
So much for freedom of speech - apparently writing about/reporting on Elon gets you banned by Elon...lol. All smoke and mirrors and nothing burger with this guy so far.

12-16-2022, 01:28 AM
I seem to recall a rebuttal along the lines of "it's a private company".....

12-16-2022, 02:12 AM
Yup - so his original premise of FoS was all fake/spin to gin up support from certain low friction groups, and there was no "scandal" in the end. Funny how the bluster quickly turns to cowardice when others are pushing back.

12-16-2022, 08:23 AM
So much for freedom of speech - apparently writing about/reporting on Elon gets you banned by Elon...lol. All smoke and mirrors and nothing burger with this guy so far.

who did he ban? i had heard alex Jones wasn't allowed back. and i had hear that others that were doxing and promoting violence were banned.

12-16-2022, 08:28 AM
Yup - so his original premise of FoS was all fake/spin to gin up support from certain low friction groups, and there was no "scandal" in the end. Funny how the bluster quickly turns to cowardice when others are pushing back.

what do you mean no scandal? you dont call government groups acting on behalf od the democrat party working with private companies to suppress their opponents a scandal? because you have criticized Trump for FAR FAR less.

also take that "low friction" bullshit and shove it. you constantly imply that anyone who disagrees with you is stupid with these thinly veiled attacks. people are tired of you being an asshole. if you cant argue on the merit of your "facts" then just keep your mouth shut.

12-16-2022, 10:07 AM
Yup - so his original premise of FoS was all fake/spin to gin up support from certain low friction groups, and there was no "scandal" in the end. Funny how the bluster quickly turns to cowardice when others are pushing back.

name some of these low friction groups.

what scandal(s) are you suggesting were not scandals

cite an example of cowardice

12-16-2022, 10:28 AM
who did he ban? i had heard alex Jones wasn't allowed back. and i had hear that others that were doxing and promoting violence were banned.

Alex Jones has said some offensive stuff, appeared to be wrong on Sandy Hook, but as far as I know hasn't made calls for violence. Just a more effective Howard Stern type IMO, censored for being popular and pissing off management. IMO he shouldn't be censored, just ignored. Same deal with Kanye.

Musk's immediate action on child porn speaks volumes. The person raising the alarm on that under former management was ignored and given no staff. Former managements tacit permission on this speaks volumes, where as Musk's immediate action likewise speaks volumes.

Trump had a direct line to the public without media filtering and spin via twitter. He was free to make an ass of himself without suppression but yet his message was too dangerous and needed censoring. ISIS on the other hand was free to keep up it's call for violence.

12-16-2022, 12:30 PM
take that "low friction" bullshit and shove it. you constantly imply that anyone who disagrees with you is stupid with these thinly veiled attacks. people are tired of you being an asshole. if you cant argue on the merit of your "facts" then just keep your mouth shut.

I'm gonna have to defend 92 here. I don't often agree with him, and do likewise get irritated at times, however he's brave enough to express his contrary views and keeps coming back for more.

You can't have a discussion or debate without different views.

12-16-2022, 12:52 PM
posted by Breitbart on Instagram:

wearebreitbart Elon Musk suspended at least six prominent establishment media journalists from Twitter Thursday evening for allegedly violating the platform’s updated terms of service.

Among the accounts suspended on the platform include:

New York Times technology reporter Ryan Mac
Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell
Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann
Former Vox reporter Aaron Rupar
CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan
Mashable’s Matt Binder
Twitter suspended the accounts that tweeted public tracking information of Musk’s private jet, violating the platform’s rules, which were updated Wednesday.

“Any account doxxing real-time location info of anyone will be suspended, as it is a physical safety violation,” Musk tweeted Wednesday. “This includes posting links to sites with real-time location info. Posting locations someone traveled to on a slightly delayed basis isn’t a safety problem, so is ok.” Breitbart News reported Thursday about the public information from plane transponders Musk has tried to bar from being shared on his platform:

The Wall Street Journal reports that Twitter has suspended the account @ElonJet which was created by Jack Sweeney, a student at the University of Central Florida, to use public data from plane transponders that log longitude, latitude, and altitude to track the flight path of Elon Musk’s private jet.

This move comes as a surprise given Musk’s previous statements. In a tweet just last month, Musk stated: “My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane, even though that is a direct personal safety risk.” It appears that Musk’s opinion has changed.

Sweeney himself said he was surprised by the suspension due to Musk’s previous statements and the sudden change will reflect poorly on Musk’s alleged commitment to free speech. “They are going to say he’s a hypocrite,” Sweeney said.

The New York Times and CNN released statements about their journalist being suspended from Twitter.

“Tonight’s suspension of the Twitter accounts of a number of prominent journalists, including the New York Times’s Ryan Mac, is questionable and unfortunate,” the Times‘ statement read.

12-16-2022, 12:58 PM

12-16-2022, 01:51 PM
He's making it up as he goes along but looks like he's come up against the slippery slope of FoS....and so it begins. Does he ban himself for posting the licence plate of someone he thinks is a threat and asking 120 million Twitter followers to track them down yesterday? Or is it more appropriate to call the police?

And other tweets he has posted in the past couple weeks have caused a former Twitter employee and others to flee their homes for personal safety as he summons the QAnon crowd into action. Someone will get killed if he keeps doing this.

12-16-2022, 03:06 PM
I'm gonna have to defend 92 here. I don't often agree with him, and do likewise get irritated at times, however he's brave enough to express his contrary views and keeps coming back for more.

You can't have a discussion or debate without different views.

Different views are fine. But when the only rebuttal is to imply racism or inferior intelligence. That’s not a different view. That’s called being an asshole. Good people have left this site because they got tired of the implications every time they disagreed with something. It’s just typical internet bullshit from someone who can’t make a valid argument. The kind of behaviour that don't happen face to face due to real work repercussions.

12-16-2022, 03:09 PM
Where were your complaints about all this when it was the left banning the right? Where are your complaints about Facebook and YouTube for banning and blocking accounts. For the exact same stuff but only geared towards the right?

12-16-2022, 03:43 PM
Different views are fine. But when the only rebuttal is to imply racism or inferior intelligence. That’s not a different view. That’s called being an asshole. Good people have left this site because they got tired of the implications every time they disagreed with something. It’s just typical internet bullshit from someone who can’t make a valid argument. The kind of behaviour that don't happen face to face due to real work repercussions.

I'd like to see rebuttals that are based on facts, not logical fallacy. Moving from ad hominem to strawman might've been a step in that direction.

12-16-2022, 03:51 PM
He's making it up as he goes along but looks like he's come up against the slippery slope of FoS....and so it begins. Does he ban himself for posting the licence plate of someone he thinks is a threat and asking 120 million Twitter followers to track them down yesterday? Or is it more appropriate to call the police?

And other tweets he has posted in the past couple weeks have caused a former Twitter employee and others to flee their homes for personal safety as he summons the QAnon crowd into action. Someone will get killed if he keeps doing this.

So far it's only lefties that've hunted conservatives. Off the top the car into a parade comes to mind, the shooting of a republican leaving a gathering, how about the Scalise shooting?

I notice no response to post to 142

Who doesn't make things up as they go along? Test, get feedback, tune. That's how bridges, space vehicles, media platforms go from concept to product and how product improvement occurs.

From what i observed with Twitter 1.0, the testing and tuning was in more effective censorship of conservatives. That model was fairly refined and could simply have been redirected. That didn't happen.

Name an event where a conservative hunted down a lefie? Even the J6 people didn't bring weapons, the only killing was Ashley Babbit who was unarmed yet shot. Remember the car driven into a parade, the Scalise shooting. Lots of examples of lefties hunting down conservatives.

12-17-2022, 12:40 AM
Different views are fine. But when the only rebuttal is to imply racism or inferior intelligence. That’s not a different view. That’s called being an asshole. Good people have left this site because they got tired of the implications every time they disagreed with something. It’s just typical internet bullshit from someone who can’t make a valid argument. The kind of behaviour that don't happen face to face due to real work repercussions.

I find it hard to believe anyone has left this site because of the reasons you stated - if anyone left it was more due to preponderance of political threads/posts going in circles in the main forum which is why the BFF was created so those that don't care or want to partake are not affected. However the BFF has been viewed as "censorship" so doesn't get used and then threads get constantly refreshed to top in the main feed. Yes, I know my responses/posts contribute to that refresh rate. I have never asked for threads to be moved (although can recognize which ones don't belong in the main feed) but I believe they are moved due to other members who don't want to see them asking for them to be moved out of the main feed to the BFF. That is their right to request that.

As for members who left/don't visit, I am still in contact and meet IRL with members who don't visit any more due to posts with conspiracy and anti-vaxxer theories which they are more sensitive to due to issues/vitriol they experience in their professional lives from people in the wild who believe these theories....so small sample size but have first hand experience with those members post-TMC.

12-17-2022, 01:06 AM
So far it's only lefties that've hunted conservatives. Off the top the car into a parade comes to mind, the shooting of a republican leaving a gathering, how about the Scalise shooting? I'm honestly surprised your news sources and readings exclude anything that has occurred with conservatives or similar leanings - pretty long list as well including 3 people convicted 2 days ago for plotting to kidnap and kill the Michigan Governor, J6 convictions, Gabby Giffords, all the calls to kill Pelosi and others, etc, etc.

I notice no response to post to 142

Who doesn't make things up as they go along? Test, get feedback, tune. That's how bridges, space vehicles, media platforms go from concept to product and how product improvement occurs. Yes that does occur but if FoS is being pursued then at least be consistent if one actually means it versus making chumps of your supporters/followers by acting like a butt hurt snowflake when someone pushes back and criticizes you. Do his supporters not recognize this incongruency?

From what i observed with Twitter 1.0, the testing and tuning was in more effective censorship of conservatives. That model was fairly refined and could simply have been redirected. That didn't happen. A lot to unpack here but if you read the Elon Twitter-related tweets Matt Taibbi posted and his related commentary - that both sides including the Trump WH availed themselves of these services from Twitter albeit Democrat requests found a more sympathetic audience (especially with the main scandal which was to supress Hunter's dick pics which so far seems the biggest scandal from the laptop thing). Maybe go read Matt Taibbi posts when he shared Elon's Twitter messages then we discuss?

Name an event where a conservative hunted down a lefie? Even the J6 people didn't bring weapons, the only killing was Ashley Babbit who was unarmed yet shot. Remember the car driven into a parade, the Scalise shooting. Lots of examples of lefties hunting down conservatives. See earlier comment; J6 people did bring weapons and Trump asked Capitol Police and Secret Service to allow them through AROUND the detectors but that was rejected - that would have been a disaster if they listened to him. There is J6 police video and bodycam recordings re attendees with weapons at Trump's events that were not admitted so the only ones who got close to the Capitol had to use American flags and "Blue Lives Matter" flags to beat and stab the police. Easy to find at the J6 proceedings.


12-17-2022, 01:28 AM
what do you mean no scandal? you dont call government groups acting on behalf od the democrat party working with private companies to suppress their opponents a scandal? because you have criticized Trump for FAR FAR less.

If you can go back and read the tweets Elon released to Matt Taibbi and his comments on them you’ll see that both sides leveraged Twitter contacts to influence posts/discussions (including Trump WH) – although not surprisingly Democrat requests were more favoured due to political affiliations of the employee base – but the point is that it was not exclusively one side only and the other was outright rejected. The second batch of tweets Elon released (I read some of them and summaries from the person who Elon gave them to) shows moderation employees who appeared to be trying hard not to make overtly partisan decisions under the policy construct they were working with – but when you’re dealing with outright lies from users who have been repeatedly warned about these lies (eg. Trump, A Jones, MAGAworld, etc) the tweets show they were in a lose-lose fight. Sure there were probably some rabid liberals in the employee base but the tweets don’t necessarily indicate that across the board. Would I have preferred more balanced oderation – sure, but I agree that when you get lies/fraud like with Trump and repeated ignored warnings then only one to blame is the repeat offender.

Did you get something different when you went through the two tranches of tweets released? It appears most of the outrage was manufactured (maybe the biggest was the Dems trying to suppress Hunter’s dick pics from the laptop because that’s all that was there?).

also take that "low friction" bullshit and shove it. you constantly imply that anyone who disagrees with you is stupid with these thinly veiled attacks. people are tired of you being an asshole. if you cant argue on the merit of your "facts" then just keep your mouth shut.

All I would say is what was posted in the past to those who had less right wing leanings/views – don’t be a snowflake. The “low friction” strategy is used by disinformation groups at sovereign and shadow money levels (promulgated via Facebook, Twitter) as well as part of corporate strategy – Fox News (primetime), OAN, Newsmax, InfoWars, CNN (primetime), even partly Daily Wire audience due to overlaps, part of MAGA crowd, all of QAnon believers (partial or full), etc. The trick is to find people who share/re-post without some level of minimum corroboration.


12-17-2022, 01:33 AM
name some of these low friction groups.

what scandal(s) are you suggesting were not scandals

cite an example of cowardice

See my other post re examples of low friction groups, scandals, and cowardice. Apart from some of the examples posted (journalists; now it appears he misrepresented about some of them doxxing him) why would he block someone like Scott Galloway after just being criticized for poorly constructed strategy.

12-17-2022, 01:43 AM
Alex Jones has said some offensive stuff, appeared to be wrong on Sandy Hook, but as far as I know hasn't made calls for violence. Just a more effective Howard Stern type IMO, censored for being popular and pissing off management. IMO he shouldn't be censored, just ignored. Same deal with Kanye. Alex Jones didn't just "appear" to be wrong - he was promoting lies for profit as he has done in several other cases while making the bet that he cannot be legally convicted or will settle for a small fine against the profits he's making from boner and other pills, prepper kits, and selling precious metals services.

Musk's immediate action on child porn speaks volumes. The person raising the alarm on that under former management was ignored and given no staff. Former managements tacit permission on this speaks volumes, where as Musk's immediate action likewise speaks volumes. Not familiar with this as I did not see it in the tweets released. Are you referring to the Twitter employee he doxxed by misrepresenting an old university thesis/paper about online dating apps? The one where the employee and family had to flee their home this week due to death threats (which may extend to university staff who oversaw that thesis work)? Should I look up something specific because there doesn't appear to be anything on it that's legit?

Trump had a direct line to the public without media filtering and spin via twitter. He was free to make an ass of himself without suppression but yet his message was too dangerous and needed censoring. ISIS on the other hand was free to keep up it's call for violence. Trump couldn't stop lying and was warned repeatedly so only has himself to blame....but he doesn't do that-only others are to blame. Can't speak to the other stuff as I don't know if they ever stopped it or if one post was perpetuated by the right-wing/Fox News/Tucker group


12-17-2022, 01:44 AM
In other news, the dude is burning down his other (publicly traded SEC regulated) company, TESLA, which is expected to lose another $250 million in market cap in 2023 at this rate:


OK-will stay out of the thread for at least 24 hours so it doesn't refresh in the main feed too often.

12-17-2022, 10:37 AM
I find it hard to believe anyone has left this site because of the reasons you stated - .

Right so your word against theirs then? That’s the response I would expect from you.

Here’s the thing about threads on a forum. If you don’t want to read it. DONT.

I decided after having friends specifically tell me they where not returning due to the way YOU insult and vilify people constantly, that I would treat you EXACTLY how you treat others. Shortly after that, the black flag forum was created and anytime you end up on the so called losing end of a debate. You literally post “this is more suited to the black flag forum” and then things are promptly moved where they go to die. I’m not the only one to have pointed this out.

I requested a political section. Denied
I requested clear rules about what could be posted and what could not. Denied and a ban holiday

The black flag forum IS censorship because it’s locked behind a password. (For a long time any anti Trump posts and memes were allowed to stay out in the open forum where as anything pro trump was pretty much immediately Black Flagged) The even handed approach would have been one of two options. No political posts period. This would require clear and concise rules that were upheld from both sides. Or, a political section where all politics are allowed no special passwords and if people don’t want to read political stuff they don’t.

I’ve been a Member of forums that had these options. It worked.

But that’s up to the people who run it to decide.

As for me I will continue to post trying to follow the vague rules laid out. And if you chooses to keep treating half the population like garbage simply because you disagree with them. Then I will continue to treat you in a similar fashion. If however you wish to have open courteous debates then I’m all for that too.

12-17-2022, 10:43 AM
I'm honestly surprised your news sources and readings exclude anything that has occurred with conservatives or similar leanings - pretty long list as well including 3 people convicted 2 days ago for plotting to kidnap and kill the Michigan Governor, J6 convictions, Gabby Giffords, all the calls to kill Pelosi and others, etc, etc.

okay homework time for rebutts. The Michigan kidnapping had more FBI agents involved than regular citizens.

name weapons brought by J6 convicted. No guns as far as I know, which is sort of strange considering they were Republicans (except maybee Ray Epps and the rest of the FBI plants).

Gabby Giffords, I'm not familiar with the details (yet)

Did you look into the details of the Paul Pelosi attack? WRT death threats, name a celeb or politician that doesn't get threats. No one has taken a shot at Nancy

So I looked into the Giffords shooting, briefly. Yes this guy was labelled as conservative, after previously being registered as an independant. The shooting does appear to be politically motivated (according to Google, Wikipedia, and other sources). It should be noted that these platforms still practice censorship and Dem friendly spin. This also occured in 2011 prior widespread Twitter censorship. This could be an argument for pro censorship. This is also a case where the shooter would have denied the sale of a handgun if existing laws were followed, but that's a diversion. So yes at first glance this does appear to be a conservative/Republican expressing violence to a leftie/Democrat.

12-17-2022, 10:50 AM
In other news, the dude is burning down his other (publicly traded SEC regulated) company, TESLA, which is expected to lose another $250 million in market cap in 2023 at this rate:


OK-will stay out of the thread for at least 24 hours so it doesn't refresh in the main feed too often.

If you go back years you will find I have always been critical of Musk.

IMO the only reason he is a billionaire is from government contracts and subsidies he has received threw both spaceX and Tesla. However I have never denied his intelligence he is a smart guy

Is The drop in Tesla stock a result of the Twitter stuff? Perhaps.

Could it be a result of the fact that for years Tesla was pretty much the only ev in the game and now in the last year or two we now have ev options from pretty much every manufacture? More likely

The most telling thing about the musk situation is how people are reacting. He was at one point the darling of the left. Now he is constantly vilified. And honestly for what? Just a few months ago when the right claimed shadow banning and collusion between social media and the democrats, as well as government groups, they were labeled conspiracy theories. Linked to Qanon and the such

Musk has exposed them. Unequivocally and now the left is crying shadow banning and freedom of speech.

The hypocrisy exposes far more about the left than it does of Musk

People doxing musk = good.
Musk pointing out people doing bad things = musk is endangering these people and needs to be stopped
Musk doing good things = “I don’t know anything about that”

12-17-2022, 12:01 PM
Alex Jones has said some offensive stuff, appeared to be wrong on Sandy Hook, but as far as I know hasn't made calls for violence. Just a more effective Howard Stern type IMO, censored for being popular and pissing off management. IMO he shouldn't be censored, just ignored. Same deal with Kanye. Alex Jones didn't just "appear" to be wrong - he was promoting lies for profit as he has done in several other cases while making the bet that he cannot be legally convicted or will settle for a small fine against the profits he's making from boner and other pills, prepper kits, and selling precious metals services.

Promoting lies for profit isn't illegal. Most advertising, religions, politicians do the same.

12-17-2022, 12:14 PM
I'd like to commend 92 in responding and staying in the discussion, regardless whether I or others agree. This is a small dogpile and 92 is alone against the pile.

Now I'll resume my disagreements.

12-17-2022, 12:17 PM
Who doesn't make things up as they go along? Test, get feedback, tune. That's how bridges, space vehicles, media platforms go from concept to product and how product improvement occurs. Yes that does occur but if FoS is being pursued then at least be consistent if one actually means it versus making chumps of your supporters/followers by acting like a butt hurt snowflake when someone pushes back and criticizes you. Do his supporters not recognize this incongruency?

I assume you mean ToS (terms of service), I don't know what FoS means.

What's your point, winners don't complain that their winning. I have seen some objections to incongruencies from conservative accounts, but following every account is impossible (for me). There's not a hell of a difference between Twitter and any other media outlet, all have biases. The justice system has biases, everyone and every system has biases.

12-17-2022, 12:22 PM
From what i observed with Twitter 1.0, the testing and tuning was in more effective censorship of conservatives. That model was fairly refined and could simply have been redirected. That didn't happen. A lot to unpack here but if you read the Elon Twitter-related tweets Matt Taibbi posted and his related commentary - that both sides including the Trump WH availed themselves of these services from Twitter albeit Democrat requests found a more sympathetic audience (especially with the main scandal which was to supress Hunter's dick pics which so far seems the biggest scandal from the laptop thing). Maybe go read Matt Taibbi posts when he shared Elon's Twitter messages then we discuss?

Hunter's dick pic's is a lefties diversion from the issue of proof of illegal Biden influence peddling while VP and using government assets to do so (like Air Force 2 trip to China w Hunter to talk with Chinese energy firms). The interview with the Biden business partner, Tony Bobolinski confirmed the email link direct to the "big guy" as being Joe.

12-17-2022, 12:27 PM
See my other post re examples of low friction groups, scandals, and cowardice. Apart from some of the examples posted (journalists; now it appears he misrepresented about some of them doxxing him) why would he block someone like Scott Galloway after just being criticized for poorly constructed strategy.

All I would say is what was posted in the past to those who had less right wing leanings/views – don’t be a snowflake. The “low friction” strategy is used by disinformation groups at sovereign and shadow money levels (promulgated via Facebook, Twitter) as well as part of corporate strategy – Fox News (primetime), OAN, Newsmax, InfoWars, CNN (primetime), even partly Daily Wire audience due to overlaps, part of MAGA crowd, all of QAnon believers (partial or full), etc. The trick is to find people who share/re-post without some level of minimum corroboration.

I see your point and agree, with the exception of CNN. Suggesting they have/had right wing leanings is laughable. With the others, yes, no different that the majority of media that is left leaning. There are right and left wing echo chambers and we all suffer from confirmation bias. I do, so do you.

12-17-2022, 01:13 PM

12-17-2022, 01:34 PM

“If you can go back and read the tweets Elon released to Matt Taibbi and his comments on them you’ll see that both sides leveraged Twitter contacts to influence posts/discussions (including Trump WH) “

By all means please share these examples.

How many request compared to how many democrat requests.

How many where agreed to by Twitter

12-17-2022, 01:41 PM

“ J6 people did bring weapons and Trump asked Capitol Police and Secret Service to allow them through AROUND the detectors but that was rejected “

Please provide these sources.

Personally I have seen a lot of articles claiming weapons but when you actually read into them they are claiming flag poles and sticks holding signs as weapons. I think I recall one picture of someone with mace.

The police officer clubbed with a fire extinguisher was proven fake

You keep spreading lies with no backing that can easily be refuted by a quick google search. But everyone who disagrees with you is “low friction”?

Yep. Okay

12-17-2022, 01:41 PM
from Instagram account: wearebreitbart


wearebreitbart In the sixth installment of the Twitter Files, journalist Matt Taibbi revealed that Twitter had a “one-big-happy-family” partnership with the FBI to censor content on its platform.

Taibbi released the sixth installment of the Twitter Files document dump, which he dubbed “TWITTER, THE FBI SUBSIDIARY.” “The #TwitterFiles show something new: agencies like the FBI and DHS regularly sending social media content to Twitter through multiple entry points, pre-flagged for moderation,” Taibbi wrote.

For example, Taibbi revealed that former Twitter Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth exchanged “over 150 emails” with the FBI between January 2020 to November 2022. Further, Taibbi noted that a “surprisingly high number” of the FBI’s correspondence with Twitter were “requests by the FBI for Twitter to take action on election misinformation, even involving joke tweets from low-follower accounts.” The FBI’s involvement in combatting “misinformation” on social media platforms is a relatively recent development that stemmed from the Democrat narrative that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

Taibbi said the 2016 Russia collusion hoax was used as a “pretext for building out the censorship machine,” similar to how the September 11 terrorist attacks “inspired the expansion of the security state.” For example, a March 2021 email revealed that the FBI provided a senior Twitter executive with several “products” to be passed along to the rest of the team.

These “products,” were three Department of Homeland Security (DHS) bulletins that stressed “the need for greater collaboration between law enforcement and ‘private sector partners,’” Taibbi reported.

One of the bulletins was titled “(U) Russian Malign Influence Use of Permissive Social Media Platforms.”

“We assess that Russian malign influencers probably will increasingly use US social media platforms that offer more permissive operating environments,” the DHS bulletin stated. However, Twitter’s contact with federal agencies did not stop with just the FBI. Several agencies, including the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), and the DHS.
View all 355 comments

12-17-2022, 04:13 PM

12-17-2022, 05:24 PM

12-18-2022, 03:29 PM

12-19-2022, 02:54 PM

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Journalists have become increasingly concerned about a rising trend of journalists having to follow the same rules as everyone else.

"It's not fair that we're being treated the same as other people," sobbed Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz. "I'm literally shaking with rage."

The troubling trend came to a head this past week as several journalists who had endangered a man's life were then made to endure a Twitter suspension, just like any other person. "It is absolutely unacceptable to silence the press like this," said Taylor Lorenz, still sobbing. "We journalists are supposed to be able to invade other people's privacy and put their lives at risk, while no one is allowed to do the same thing to us. I am deeply troubled by the sudden expectation for the press to follow the same rules as any common citizen."

While journalists have repeatedly expressed concern over their loss of recognition as a source of truth, having to now suffer the consequences of their own actions has confirmed their deepest fears. "This is exactly like the Kristallnaacht, the opening salvo of the Holocaust," cried Taylor Lorenz, grabbing a third box of tissues. "The government, led by Elon Musk, has handed me a one-week Twitter suspension merely for stalking people like prey. He might as well be firing up the gas chambers."

At publishing time, sources report that Taylor Lorenz had continued sobbing, drenching her 55th birthday cake with tears.

12-19-2022, 08:33 PM

12-19-2022, 08:36 PM

12-20-2022, 02:47 PM

12-20-2022, 03:32 PM

Larry Elder is amazing.

12-20-2022, 03:33 PM

I cant understand why people are so quiet about this. Both political sides should be absolutely horrified at this corruption.

12-20-2022, 03:38 PM
I cant understand why people are so quiet about this. Both political sides should be absolutely horrified at this corruption.

why would Democrat/Liberal/Socialist be concerned. Censorship is funded by them, for their benefit.

The deep state (unelected government that remains in place regardless of elections) has been politicized on behalf of Democrat/Liberal/Socialist governments.

12-20-2022, 04:27 PM
I cant understand why people are so quiet about this. Both political sides should be absolutely horrified at this corruption.

If you talk about verifiable things or even just ask questions about stuff. You loose friends. Family stops talking to you. You get censored in online groups and your intelligence constantly gets questioned. You get called a racist or misogynistic or what ever “ist” applies.
You question your own ideals because all the media is pushing the same lies and narrative.

For a lot of people it’s just better to keep quiet. So you don’t ruin your life, family, career.

12-20-2022, 05:04 PM
If you talk about verifiable things or even just ask questions about stuff. You loose friends. Family stops talking to you. You get censored in online groups and your intelligence constantly gets questioned. You get called a racist or misogynistic or what ever “ist” applies.
You question your own ideals because all the media is pushing the same lies and narrative.

For a lot of people it’s just better to keep quiet. So you don’t rosy your life, family, career.

The crazy part is they dont realize that if it can happen to one side of the political spectrum - it can happen to ALL of them.
Now I dont feel as crazy thinking that the US elections really are just as corrupt as a third world country.

12-20-2022, 05:04 PM
why would Democrat/Liberal/Socialist be concerned. Censorship is funded by them, for their benefit.

The deep state (unelected government that remains in place regardless of elections) has been politicized on behalf of Democrat/Liberal/Socialist governments.

Bill C11 courtesy of Fidel Castro Junior

12-20-2022, 05:47 PM
Bill C11 courtesy of Fidel Castro Junior

this is government intervention for the last wisps of "wrongspeak" not muzzled by private concerns. What media hasn't been bought off can be snuffed by C-11

12-20-2022, 06:03 PM
If you talk about verifiable things or even just ask questions about stuff. You loose friends. Family stops talking to you. You get censored in online groups and your intelligence constantly gets questioned. You get called a racist or misogynistic or what ever “ist” applies.
You question your own ideals because all the media is pushing the same lies and narrative.

For a lot of people it’s just better to keep quiet. So you don’t ruin your life, family, career.

Ego investment in a decision or position is the behavioral equivalent of pride of ownership. Taking a contrary position challenges the ego investment of others. For many if not most "herd mentality" is all that's required to to make the initial decision.



There is a coping strategy called "Let em burn" that recognizes the fruitlessness of intervention where it challenges the ego investments. For the most part this works if you can keep your frustration at bay. Well timed prompts of socratic method occasionally can make a difference as discovery trumps dictation. This requires "coming correct" via having done your homework to be able to point to evidence to support your position. Fatiguing, and usually ends up with "that's your opinion" when providing sources that will never be examined.

Some find a measure of solace posting semi anonymously.

12-20-2022, 06:09 PM
The crazy part is they dont realize that if it can happen to one side of the political spectrum - it can happen to ALL of them.
Now I dont feel as crazy thinking that the US elections really are just as corrupt as a third world country.

Privilege is invisible to those who possess it.

If you could go back in time and kill Hi**er, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro when they were children, before committing any sin would you?

Means justify the ends mentality is at play.

Conservative voices generally are rules based. Follow the rules and behavior, and the result is acceptable regardless if they agree.

Lefty voices generally are concerned that some equitable or seemingly moral result is obtained even if rules are violated or selectively applied.

12-20-2022, 06:34 PM
Bill C11 courtesy of Fidel Castro Junior


12-20-2022, 07:40 PM


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