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View Full Version : any body men here with fibreglass body experience/

04-03-2023, 11:31 AM
i want to get started prepping my Avanti for an eventual paint job. i have found several articles about doing just that to a metal body; taking it down to bare metal, sanding, priming, etc, but nothing about fiberglass.

i've been told to be careful about the 'gel coat', micro cracking with age, and such, but i am at a loss where to start.

any advice would be appreciated

04-03-2023, 11:49 AM
Biggest would be to have whoever paints it, prep it. Fiberglass is particular about what it likes and what it doesn't like and even then sometimes when you follow the rules it will do weird shit. Last thing you want is to do all that prep work, pay to have it sprayed and suddenly you have blisters or cracking and the painter will just blame the prep. That and dealing with fiberglass matt, resin, and dust is just the absolute worst on your lungs, skin and eyes. I fucked around with fiberglass body kits and hoods in my youth and honestly pretty sure I took years off my life dealing with that crap.

If you are dead set on doing it they make some good restoration manuals for C3 gen Vettes which should have some applicable fiberglass repair information for you.

04-03-2023, 01:08 PM
I have some experience with glass but am a punter. I do know that prep is paramount. When you think you've got it properly prepped, do it again a few more times.

I'm gonna assume there's whole communities just like here with "best practices"