View Full Version : front end alignment on S55o's

05-14-2024, 10:28 AM
i and my family have owned several foxbodies, 4 NEW EDGE mustangs, 2 S197'S and now 3 S550's, including a '22 Vert. Never had a problem with alignment on the earlier cars.

All 3 S550's have shown abnormal wear on the inside of the right front tire. On my '2015, it was quite pronounced, especially after i changed tires. Same problem on my 2017, but i didn't keep it long enough to worry about it. I did get alignments on both cars, but it didn't make a difference,

On the '22, i just noticed it this weekend. Sure enough, the inside of the right front is wearing notably faster than the rest of the tire. I've got 45,000 km on the car, [ i had the snows on for about 5,000 km] and rotated the tires at 20,000.

Now, i'm planning to put much wider tires on the '22 and want to avoid the problem. Anybody else have this problem, or heard of it? Any solutions?

05-14-2024, 11:40 AM
Caster camber plates and get an alignment.

05-17-2024, 08:47 AM
Caster camber plates and get an alignment.

i had it done on both the '15 and '17. didn't seem to matter at all. the '22 tracks perfectly straight and doesn't wander or tramline at any time. it feels fine. it's just the inside of the right front.
camber plates are not in the cards. technically it's my wife's car and i'm not allowed to spend money [except for wheels] on it

05-17-2024, 09:14 AM
Used set on Facebook Marketplace now (Maximum Motorsports). While you can use camber bolts to mostly correct, CC plates get it dead on plus improve how it drives and feels with no downside. If your previous rides were done but still didn't fix tire wear, you went to the wrong shop.

05-17-2024, 09:18 AM
We installed a set on a turbo 4 '22 last week. From what we are seeing, camber typically off by an appreciable amount side to side. Have alignment set to 1.0 deg neg camber with zero toe and it will not only drive n feel better but quit tearing tires (tell align tech you don't give a rats ass about spec, set to what I posted).
Link to the add, have em shipped from Ottawa.


https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t45.5328-4/438271258_288826457655817_5999923564042576387_n.jp g?stp=dst-jpg_p720x720&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=247b10&_nc_ohc=pd4Q4kS3yK8Q7kNvgF9ELUE&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AYAjvLGRhDgxAOmgqV3XEskfJGDgAm_XetkBa-vSlHuJyw&oe=664D269B