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View Full Version : Gone, but never forgotten - Doug "KIDAGIN" Shaw

11-05-2015, 09:58 AM
On October 11th, 2015, Steve "The Newmare" announced the passing of our dear friend Doug "KIDAGIN" Shaw.
Doug was one of the biggest Mustang enthusiasts that many of us had ever met. He truly loved his car, but more importantly, he loved seeing his friends and making new ones at all the events he hosted and attended.
Doug was a true gentleman and goodwill ambassador at every club he was a part of and will be dearly missed by all the lives he touched in the Mustang community.
RIP our friend.

Doug "KIDAGIN" Shaw - You are now gone, but will never be forgotten.






11-07-2015, 05:08 PM
In addition to members of the TMC Executive personally donating to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation, we also wanted to make a contribution on behalf of the Toronto Mustang Club and all of it's members. The club has donated $500 to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation in Doug's memory. This gesture could not have happened without the help of our members as expenditures like this are made possible through your "Green" contributions, t-shirt sales etc. We will miss Doug dearly as will all of you, and we are proud to support this cause on behalf of the Club and it's membership. RIP our Friend KIDAGIN.

11-09-2015, 06:45 PM
Been asked if it's still possible to donate in Doug's name to Heart and Stroke, absolutely, just follow the link.



02-13-2017, 07:10 AM
Happy Birthday Doug, we miss you.