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View Full Version : Kijiji Scam???

Uncle Buck
11-18-2016, 12:54 AM
I think I just avoided being scammed but I'm not sure how or when the scam was going to surface

Here's the deal

I had a pool table for sale on kijiji

First day, I get a text from a lady claiming to be from a church in Mississauga and wants it for their youth centre. Makes a good offer sight unseen and proceeds to coordinate a time with me to have movers come and pick it up. Claims the movers will have the cash when they arrive.

So my spidie senses are going off a bit but I don't see the scam. I decide to contact this church she claims to be from. Surprise, they don't know her and have no plans for a pool table.

I contact the buyer and basically say WTF? She claims she was going to donate it to the church. Now I'm thinking this is too fishy so ask them to have someone from the church contact me.

Buyer says the deal is too complicated now and bails.

So what's the scam?

I am a little concerned because I did provide my address when coordinating the mover pickup.

fast Ed
11-18-2016, 06:57 AM
Maybe they pay with good quality counterfeit cash? What sort of dollar value are we talking??


Uncle Buck
11-18-2016, 09:05 AM
Thought might be some kind of issue once payment was due. Maybe show up with a cheque not cash or something. IDK

11-18-2016, 09:27 AM
Could be skate payment n try to load then hit you up with possible reducing price / donating cause it's going to a church. If you balk, won't remove off the truck unless you pay.

Uncle Buck
11-18-2016, 09:47 AM
May never know.

Strangely, just after this buyer broke off, I got another one that seemed fishy. Making good offer again sight unseen and said they could have a mover come today or tomorrow. This time it's for their parents 30th anniversary. Told them it was sold and they offered more if I broke the other deal. I wonder it's the same person using another phone #

I hate kijiji

11-18-2016, 10:32 AM
Go with your instinct. I wouldn't bother with either of them.

Uncle Buck
11-18-2016, 11:56 AM
I have a local husband and wife couple coming to look at it for their newly finished basement.

Seems a little more on the level. Ouch, was that a pool table pun?

11-18-2016, 12:17 PM
I wonder it's the same person using another phone #

TOTALLY sounds like the same person(s)

Uncle Buck
11-18-2016, 12:57 PM
I'm still curious how the scam was going to unfold. Must be at the time of payment somehow. Rubber cheque, phoney bills, new negotiation with a bunch of strangers in my house, something...

Better not to find out first hand that's for sure.