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Time User Message
New 01-12, 10:45
Good morning Laurence and Stephen
New 01-12, 09:27
Good morning TMC
New 01-12, 09:01
crazy weather up your way Gary. Stay safe
New 01-12, 09:01
Good morning gents
New 01-12, 08:31
WOW, crazy times.
New 01-12, 08:22
Got another foot overnight. Heading out now to do the driveway and start plowing.
New 01-12, 07:57
Morning Gary. Get your snow cleaned up ok?
New 01-12, 07:55
Howdy Rick
New 01-12, 07:55
Good Morning Folks
New 01-12, 06:03
Good morning TMC
New 30-11, 16:42
Given amount you've received so far this week Gary, 100% understand where your coming safe.
New 30-11, 13:06
I am proud to say that is something I have never had to do
New 30-11, 12:56
Just finished pulling the snow off of 400 feet of 12’ Cedar hedge. It was starting to bend over.
New 30-11, 12:54
105cm with another 60 today.
New 30-11, 12:00
You sure got a lot of it.
New 30-11, 11:38
Good Morning! I hate snow!
New 30-11, 10:23
Good morning TMC
New 30-11, 08:15
G'morning Laurence.
New 30-11, 07:55
Good morning TMC.


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