I'm Back!!

It's been soo long since I drove her it was like getting laid for the first time in a long time... It was amazing, but I was awkward and clumsy. Need a few rides to be good at it again.

I really want to thank both Rick and Ross for the work they've done. They pretty much rebuilt my car. It was a nightmare of bad work from previous Mechanics. Rick was calling me once or twice a day with new problems he found. How did he put it "100% installer error"

I'm not mechanically inclined, So it pisses me off that you go to these professionals and they either give you bad advice or they just plainly do it wrong. You don't have much choice but to trust or hope that they know what they are doing.

I'm soo happy that Rick found these issues and went above and beyond to fix them. I will now bug him for everything! lol. They even gave me a wash and a vacuum.

I'm now 60km on the new clutch. I'm loving this Centerforce. It is so light and smooth. Worth every penny.