$45.76. That's what its costing me round trip to get myself to/from work. Thankfully I've got a mostly work from home gig.

Did the math, and if I had to take it mon-fri, for a full year, that would be almost $11 grand!!!

Yes, it is a shorter trip (vs. 401), but the price is quickly getting out of reach for most, save those that get to write off/expense it.

Only bright spot, was a recent "exclusive" offer that was made to me by them.....offering a flat $60/month if I get on between 7-9:30 am. and 3:30 & 6 pm. Probably because I sent them a nice letter explaining how costly their highway is and how its becoming out of reach for many to use (despite all their ads/radio commercials promoting the benefits, i.e. reduced time). I can't argue that it doesn't save time, because it does for me....but $11,000.00 for that time savings? No way Hosea!

And with Canada and teachers pensions both with significant shares in the company, and about 70+ years left on what is apparently iron clad lease contract, the only way anything *might* happen is to see a large reduction in users. I'd love to know what the penalty is to break the lease...…

I can't wait for the soon to come day when I can take their transponder and give it back to them....with a nice note attached.

Rant off.