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Thread: Marco Muzzo verdict.

  1. #1
    Member bluetoy's Avatar
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    Mar 2014

    Marco Muzzo verdict.

    What are your thoughts?

    I think that he should have gotten a much stiffer sentence. Impaired driving causing death isn't really the whole story. I think when you make the decision to drive drunk you should be considered premeditating. Then when you kill 3 small children and their grandfather you have committed 4 counts of premeditated murder. I think he was very skillfully prepped by his lawyer. His best option was to plead guilty, accept full responsibility full well knowing he would get 8-12 years. Parole in 3-4 years. Say all the right things in court and to the media. 12 yr driving ban is a pure joke. His life isn't ruined. He will still be a billionaire when he gets out. I think what he did was no different than if he put a gun to each one of those kids heads.

    Maybe I'm wrong. I don't care. I am entitled to my opinion. Good thing I am not a Judge.

  2. #2
    Member Ontariomystic's Avatar
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    Said he had 9 speeding convictions to date. If it wasn't an impaired charge, sooner or later someone would have been killed by him.
    Doing my part to boost the economy

  3. #3
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Three very young and innocent children along with their grandfather perished on that day. Their parents and everyone that loved them have had their lives turned upside down in a way I'd wish on no one.
    No winners no matter how long he was sentenced.
    R.I.P. to those lost. My thoughts and prayers to those left behind.

  4. #4
    55 HD
    Not sure I agree with the sentence handed down here. I think Marco had his days numbered when it came to his driving record over the past. I might be able to accept the time in jail but a life ban on operating any motor vehicle for life is what I would think was in order due to his record and the fact he has now killed 4 humans.

    Buy a good Lawyer........pays to have money so you can. JMO

  5. #5
    Member bluetoy's Avatar
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    I think a lifetime ban on driving is pointless. He has the means to live elsewhere and get a new license. Plus you only need a drivers license if you get stopped, even then what's the fine? couple hundred bucks and a ban on driving?

  6. #6
    It should have been 10 years for each, 40 years in total and NO parole!!!

  7. #7
    no winners here

    imo he and his family's wealth has SFA to do with anything....his high-priced lawyer told him to stay in jail and plead guilty to all charges...which he did....I don't think Greenspan's bill is gonna be too staggering for this case

    regardless of the lack of a crazy long sentence....assuming he will walk in around 3 years....this guy's life is fucked....he will work for the family company going in and out of the side door...his name will not appear on anything....he's carrying the weight of what he did and it ain't gonna be a fun ride no matter how big the house is and how nice the furniture is

    no winners at all

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by WTF View Post
    he's carrying the weight of what he did
    Doubt it. I'm sure he's douchy enough to think it's not his fault. The best thing he can do for humanity now is to kill himself.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by stangstevers View Post
    Doubt it. I'm sure he's douchy enough to think it's not his fault. .
    so....that's why he stayed in jail from day 1 and pleaded guilty to all charges without a trial?

    regardless of the idiotic thing he did to cause this.....I don't think this kid is dumb...and surely not dumb enough to think it wasn't his fault

    I tend to think alot of people wanted to see this kid go away for decades...not just because of what he did....but because his pockets were as loaded as his bloodstream

  10. #10
    Admin ZR's Avatar
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    Enough money behind him to have dragged it out for years, until the details for most of us were foggy at best and perhaps it might have gone without as much media coverage. He made a mistake of epic proportions by getting into his truck drunk. The same drunk countless others have been guilty of a time or two in their lives, unfortunately this time it ended as bad as it gets. Is he an asshole for driving that day, no argument here. But at the same time he's a human being that fucked up royally and seems to be taking responsibility for what transpired.

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